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Ippys Intro

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Ippys's picture
Joined: 04/10/2018

Hullo all,
My name is Ian Scadden. I am a graduate student in agricultural science. I've been playing board games for as long as I can remember, but only recently decided to really delve into design (aside from a game that's been in my head for a decade or so). I have a collection of about 70 games, with Last Will from CGE being the current favorite. I'd have more, but the wife (and the bank account) says no more until we have a real job and more living space.
I haven't gotten much past the idea phase with any designs, partly because I thought making a prototype for playtesting was closer to the end of the process instead of basically being the first thing to do. Thanks to the Board Game Design Lab and the Board Game Business (formerly Forbidden Limb) Podcast for correcting my misunderstanding. Granted now I'm working on my thesis, so prototypes and playtests are still on the back burner.
In any case, I have a few ideas I'm excited about for when I finally have a little time to focus on them.
1) Dragon Diggers - This has been in my head (and on various note papers) for years. It features steampunk dragons who are digging through caverns to reach the treasure trove. Each player is hiring dragons for their digging crew in order to meet the requirements of the cavern they currently occupy. The digging crew rotates shifts so no dragon will be in the team permanently. Meanwhile nature and your opponents will be throwing all kinda of obstacles in your path.
2) Picky Picky Pinnipeds - a very simple card game in which players are trying to feed snooty seals and well-to-do walruses specific fish dishes to score the most points.
3) Film It - sort of a drafting game in which players are directors putting together their debut films. Directors are scrambling to get the best talent, equipment, scenes and scores to meet the producer's demands and stay under budget.
4) Break A Leg - The Old Theatre was cursed a long time ago. The only way to break the curse is to put on a successful stage production. Trouble is, the curse makes it near impossible as props go missing, costumes catch fire, and stage lights crash to the ground. Players have to work together if their going to make it to opening night.

That's where I'm at for now.
Happy to be here and happy to answer any questions.

RadarLockGames's picture
Joined: 12/31/2015
Welcome IPPYS

I understand about the bank account and wife not wanting more games... most of mine were here before her and the kids so she cannot say too much; new games that is a whole other story...

This is a great place to get ideas, to bounce things off each other and just a wealth of information and knowledge. Don't be afraid to ask questions.

take care

animepauly's picture
Joined: 05/06/2016
Welcome Ian! I share your

Welcome Ian! I share your issues with games and love life as well as I am sure many do here. I think all of your game ideas are a great start and really would love to see some prototypes for them. If you don't have a lot of space to make it physically, I highly recommend Tabletopia as it's free to use and free to share to others. You do need some sort of digital ability though to go that route. I am looking to help people make their prototypes digitally so if you need any help, I am here!

Glad to have you here and look forward to seeing what you create!

Ippys's picture
Joined: 04/10/2018
Thanks Dano. To ask and

Thanks Dano.

To ask and answer questions is the whole reason I'm here. With any luck it'll keep the creative ball rolling and I'll actually get these games made.

Ippys's picture
Joined: 04/10/2018
Thanks for the suggestion

Thanks for the suggestion about Tabletopia. I'll certainly check it out.

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