I initially wrote an introduction of myself giving a history of my game playing and the new world I found outside of Monopoly and Risk... but I'm sure that in this community that's pretty standard stuff. So I'll jump past all that and right to the reason I'm here.
I've had game ideas floating around in my head for years. But it wasn't until I was introduced to Kickstarter about a year ago that my perspective changed a bit. I was inspired, probably by some of the members of the forum, to get my ideas out of my head and into a prototype.
Currently I'm play testing one game, 2 are in an early design phase and several more are just general concepts and mechanics. My initial goal is to create a game that my friends will choose to play on a game night. I would be lying if I said I wasn't interested in getting my games published some day, but the more I've researched, the more I've realized there is a lot to learn... so here I am :)
I submitted a game Monday night :) I just missed last month's contest so I was really excited to get involved this month.