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New Designer...

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Krossus's picture
Joined: 01/15/2010

Hello fellow BGDF members! My real name is Johnny and I'm an avid gamer. I play board, console, computer, and card games all the time. I finally decided to start designing games that would be cool but were never published. I'm really into "strategy" board games so that will be my focus.

Some of the games I grew up playing for 12+ hours a night with friends are Axis & Allies, Risk, and Supremacy. Axis and Allies was the flagship of many sleepless nights and back - forth warfare with friends. Supremacy was more of a geo-political warfare game that I'm currently trying to update with new concepts, rules, units, and playstyle altogether. So in an essence i'm taking what was good from both Axis and Allies - Supremacy and attempting to make a whole new play experience that will not infringe upon those copyrighted materials.

I like this website because everyone seems to have the same passion, GAMES! I have also reviewed some of your (members) posts and can tell this is an active community. I'm also impressed with the responses and help offered to others trying to design their own games. I too hope i will recieve the same help as i begin my journey as an independent game board designer.

heavyrocks's picture
Joined: 02/11/2012
Welcome to the woooorld of

Welcome to the woooorld of tomorrow!

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