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New designer here

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zerotheory's picture
Joined: 08/05/2012

Hello everyone.

I've been jotting down notes and ideas and actually making some games since i've been 10.
I currently have 2 playable games that I've designed. One i'm in discussion with an artist to get something put up on kickstarter shortly.
I've also got notes and ideas for about 4 more games that I think will just be fantastic. I try to think of games that I like and that I would want to play and just run from that perspective in the design process.
I imagine i'll be asking for tips and other ideas soon enough as well as looking for help and willing to help others.
What more can I say? Ask me questions if you have any.


Joined: 04/08/2012
Game Genre

I'm interested in learning more about your games and their genres.

zerotheory's picture
Joined: 08/05/2012

Stormyknight1976 wrote:
I'm interested in learning more about your games and their genres.

I lean toward combat based games. One of my playable games is a space card game not necessarily a ccg, but a build your own deck from a large pool of cards that all come with the game idea. It's got a board also the space ships fight on a 2d surface while you use your deck to play more ships, or alter the game in other ways.

Another game I have is just cards where you pick 6 'character' cards then the players draw from a pooled draw deck attempting to kill the other 6 characters while they tried to off yours.

The other ideas I have are a dungeon craw game, and other various types of simplistic easy to setup and play fighting based games.

Joined: 04/08/2012
Game projects

I, to started designing some games, but were just hand drawn mazes with a timer for my friends to go through. Nothing extraordinary, but it was fun. Through the ages of 14 to 16, I drew a 13 1/2 foot by 4 foot wide dungeon which was my own version of the 1984 arcade game Gauntlet and played like DnD. I almost never finished it the second year. I wanted to see the top view dungeon maze completed. So I did. Is never went to the store shelves yet. That game is an action adventure role playing game.

Years later, as a security guard I came up with a survival horror board game. My posts were two different cemeteries. So that was a huge inspiration. Lots of details for that game. Other inspirations are, Paranormal study, Love horror movies, and personal experiences with the unknown.

Right now, I am working on a strategy fantasy card game. It has a living card game format, but since that format will cost some money from fantasy flight games to use their format, I will have to change the category it is used. Its a domino game with a twist.

As I see your asking for help in your projects. I would more than helpful to lend a hand for ideas, suggestions, and concepts for your projects. I wasn't trying to over power your message board, I just wanted to let everyone know where I stood.

I'm not a perfessional, just a hobbiest. But also working on getting my projects to sell, not for money, but for fun. Well, some money.

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