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Tbone's picture
Joined: 02/18/2013

Hey everyone! I'm new to the site. I'm working on a game called Battle of the Aces.

Dralius's picture
Joined: 07/26/2008
Hi Tbone Is this poker based,

Hi Tbone

Is this poker based, WWI aerial combat, or something entirely different.

Tell us more.

Tbone's picture
Joined: 02/18/2013
Game description

It's a turn base game where you have a array of 30 cards that all have different abilities, predator and prey (what the cards can kill and what cards can kill it) etc. the object of the game is to get the most points by moving the cards on a board to kill cards and end the game by killing the Ace. Note that you will only be allowed to pick 13 out of the 30 cards. Ill ask all questions.

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