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New member saying hello from Yorkshire.

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Luc Byard
Luc Byard's picture
Joined: 07/03/2015

Hello all, my name is Luc.

I found BGDF reading a blog and it looks like a great place to learn about mechanics and get feedback on ideas.

I grew up playing old-style BGs with my Dad but like many, playing Catan and Carcassonne for the first time changed everything.

The first game I designed myself was the 'Number 7 game'. I don't remember the rules, I was a small child but I'm told it looked like snakes and ladders where every square had a number seven in it. There were rules, but they were far too advanced for my parents to grasp and so it was soon lost to history.

In more recent times, I've developed a card game called Quadratium. There's a facebook page here:

The page shows you the ropes but I'd like to do a play-through video. I'm also a big LEGO fan and I'm currently playing around with ideas for a game where you changes the faces on the dice, something that, as far as I know, can only be done with LEGO ones.

wombat929's picture
Joined: 04/17/2015
Luc Byard wrote: In more

Luc Byard wrote:

In more recent times, I've developed a card game called Quadratium. There's a facebook page here:

The page shows you the ropes but I'd like to do a play-through video. I'm also a big LEGO fan and I'm currently playing around with ideas for a game where you changes the faces on the dice, something that, as far as I know, can only be done with LEGO ones.

Welcome! If you post your rules document here (or on your game site) it would be easier to comment on the game. Also, your website makes it look like this is just a computer game, but you describe it here as a card game. So perhaps some shift in formatting a bit?

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