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Newbie introduction

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Joined: 03/07/2012

Hello All,

I am new to the BGDF and wanted to take a minute to introduce myself.

I have been for 13 years (been together since our freshman year in high school) and we have a 9 year old son. We have 1 dog (Winston, the beagle/basset hound mix) 2 cats (Hunter and Omega), and 3 goldfish.

Among our hobbies are disc golfing, golfing, camping, hiking, and youth sports (I coach my son's teams). But more than any of those, we are (to steal the term from a popular website) board game geeks. We play almost nightly, and have amassed quite a collection. We have even gotten both my wife's and my parents in on the hobby! As such we are always kicking around ideas for board games we would like to see.

Recently, due to a complicated set of circumstances, I find myself unemployed. Although it isn't an ideal situation, it has given me a chance work on some things I wouldn't normally have time to explore the idea of designing our own board game...and that is how I ended up here.


Dralius's picture
Joined: 07/26/2008
Greetings bradBeing a game

Greetings Brad

Being a game designer is like being unemployed so you off to a good start.

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