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Stopped lurking and signed up

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Joined: 01/07/2013

Hello BGDF! I've been lurking for a few months, mostly using this forum as motivation to get back to work on my game. Today I finally signed up.

A little bit about me - I've always loved games, and like most of you I've always made up games or thought of things I wanted to add to games that I was already playing. I always like games where I can tinker with my characters and customize my experience. I like games with lots of strategy and depth.

Currently I have one project that I am putting a lot of thought into, and then a bunch of very rough ideas that could be games one day. The project I am working on is an attempt at combining a resource-building game and a tactical combat game. Needless to say, it's a beast, and trying to create this type of game with simple-to-learn and elegant mechanics has been a very fun challenge. I'm about 70-80% done writing the first pass of the rules, but have not even started on prototyping or testing. So there's a long way to go before I even know if this thing is playable :)

Anyway, I hope to soak up as much wisdom as I can from all of you.

Joined: 04/08/2012
Welcome to the forum

Glad to have you here. You'll learn alot more when you talk to the other designers, game producers and game companies. Welcome aboard.

Joined: 01/07/2013

Thanks for the welcome :)

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