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This'er thingy says I'ma supposted to post sumptin'...

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The_Blue_Wizard's picture
Joined: 04/12/2017

My name's Max.
In 1986 - I was 16- I started a single person company to make games.
I named the company the Blue Wizards' Guild. This was FOUR YEARS prior to Wizards of the Coast establishing themselves in a basement. Back then -we had BBSs but no Internet yet- PBEM was still a thing with ICE and Buffalo on the market, I tried cracking into that market. That never went anywhere, but that is when I started game design.
I moved on to making modules for AD&D and Warhammer Fantasy and Robotech the RPG, as well as some board games, all to prototype level of completion.
In the interim I got into scriptwriting, making indie films, became Line Producer for a co. making TV pilots (none picked up), and CFO of a film company that produced equally as much.
In 2015 I finally published my first novel, a space opera.

In 2015 I re-launched the game company as the Guild of Blue Wizards.
2017 will be the year I finally publish a professional level board game. It's called Ghost Ship, a board game of salvage, adventure, and betrayal, in space.
(If the KS goes REALLY well, I will negotiate a license to bring her into the Firefly 'verse.)
I also have card games in the works.

I'll admit to the awkward: I am here to make my game better and to spread the word about it. I happen to think it's much better than sliced bread =}


sheeptree's picture
Joined: 03/15/2017

Hi Max!
Welcome to the group and good luck with your game! It sounds cool!

ssm's picture
Joined: 04/06/2017
Welcome. Your game looks &

Welcome. Your game looks & sounds good. Glad you did it, was an idea I was kicking around. Hope al goes well.

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