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Yeti Mountain

Yeti Mountain is the working title of a game project I've had in mind for a while that would be geared for a younger audience. The theme is the players are mountain climbers trying to get to the top of Yeti Mountain which is inhabited by large yetis. It turns out that one of the downfalls of living on a windy mountain is that your possesions oftentimes either blow away or roll to the bottom of the mountain. These yetis are friendly but won't let mountain climbers pass without without getting (or trading for) something they need/want. In order to get to the top of the mountain the climbers need to find or trade items the yetis are wanting in order to get passage through the icy slopes.

I have a very rough idea of some of the mechanics (obviously trading) but I'm trying to workout what format to use such as either a playing board, card game, tile laying, or something else. One thing I'm thinking of including is an area at the *bottom* of the mountain for players to search for items that have rolled down.


Card Game Idea

Here's an idea for a card game with your basic ideas:

18 Yeti Cards (each wants a different thing)
54 Goods Cards (three each of the eighteen different goods)
5 Player Pawns


Play out a pyramid of Yeti cards to make the mountain --- five cards on bottom, four on the next row, three, two and one for the peak. This will mean fifteen Yeti cards used, and three left over. Set them aside without looking at them.

Shuffle and deal three supply cards to each player. The remaining cards are the draw deck. The player pawns are placed below the first row of the mountain.

On your turn:

If you are on the lower part of the mountain (with 5 or 4 yetis) choose one of your goods cards and let it roll down the mountain (place it into discards below the mountain). If you are on the upper part of the mountain (with 3 or 2 yetis) then choose a card to blow away --- remove it from the game.

Then move up the mountain. Pick a Yeti next to your current pawn's position on the next highest row. If he is face-down, flip him over. If you have the good he wants, place it under his card and place your pawn there. You may not move into a space where another player is.

If you don't have the good the Yeti wants then you can either stay where you are, or go to the bottom of the mountain. If you go to the bottom of the mountain search through where the stuff rolled down (the discards) and add three cards to your hand.

The first player to give the Yeti on the very top of the mountain the good he wants wins the game!

Thanks for the gameplay

Thanks for the gameplay suggestion for my theme idea but I have something different in mind. Yes it will involve cards (or maybe tiles) and I think it will better capture the experience I want to have the players to have. When I get a chance I'll give more details.

I look forward to seeing it!

I look forward to seeing it! Maybe I was a bit too detailed in my post, I tend to go overboard sometimes.

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gamejournal | by Dr. Radut