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Critical Collapse box concept 0.02

Critical Collapse box concept 0.02

A lighter version, again just concept.


I like it better than the

I like it better than the last one, but the blob in the middle, and the giant set of legs to the left of it, don't add to the aesthetics of it.

I don't know if I like the lettering, but that aside, I still give this image a thumbs down, overall.

Maybe half as many skulls, or a map with small skulls on it, might be an improvement. The colorful nuke image needs to make more impact. The missile launching on the right side is fine, although there are public domain images of missile launchings that are more visibly impressive.

The gas masks look fine. I am still debating the mushroom cloud behind them.

It looks more apocalyptic than before, but could still be improved considerably. Even if the game ended up sucking, the box could sell the game. Even if it's not a real boxtop, it is good to have box images for a game.

less than

GrimFinger wrote:

It looks more apocalyptic than before, but could still be improved considerably. Even if the game ended up sucking, the box could sell the game. Even if it's not a real boxtop, it is good to have box images for a game.

There are probably less than 100 individuals who would buy or even play this game world wide in its analog version, software version may bump up the numbers a little, that doesn't mean I won't give it a shot. The odds are that I will eventually make the game as an open source project.

Will do

I'll get working on those suggestions. All are public domain (with some modifications), but those are only for reference, to gain a perspective and toss ideas around, then paint it.
Thanks for the feedback. In a couple of more weeks I should have the rules compiled, post it and then start editing it again.
I still haven't done away with your earlier suggestion about using real world mapping, if I can figure a way to do it without adding further complications... oh well that's for later thinking.

The other thing you could try

The other thing you could try is to distill each of your main images to a small circle/icon/bubble.... say four or five across the bottom - with simply a black box. The red/orange bomb going off, a skull, and some other stuff would work good for that. Maybe throw a gray version of Earth as the last icon.

Then the lettering across the bottom to underscore it. Perhaps a skullish thing in the background as a subtle brown/black behind a part of the background would be cool. Or maybe Putin's head poking over Alaska.

The images you picked in their raw form are definitely evoking though.

My $0.02....



Hey two cents can go a long ways if its used right! Thanks I am collecting these suggestions, and I am sure that I will be utilizing them.

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image | by Dr. Radut