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Critter Combat Cards - Orientation

Critter Combat Cards - Orientation

Showing the cards and the different orientations.
The shape and the number contained within determine the attribute used.
It goes with the concept found here:



I guess you added the "shapes" for people who are colour blind?! Otherwise you can stick to only using the colors. What do you mean by "attribute"? Just curious, I'm into all thing called "card games"..

Huzzah for card games!

I, too, am a lover of most all things called "card games". Concepts and mechanics for card games make up most of my ideas. Yeah, that's exactly what the shapes are for. Of course, if I ever did make these for real, I would hope to make them look much better than this rough sketch. I should perhaps have linked to the game concept that drove this design. It's remedied.

But, to answer your question "quick". Each number represents Attack (Red), Defense (Blue), Speed (Green) and Special (Yellow).
You draw the four cards and, after some switching around, the numbers on top determine the critter's stats.

So, in the image, the resulting critter has the following stats:
ATK: 1
DEF: 2
SPD: 3
SPC: 4

I'm still working on the rules. I need to come up with some decent specials, among other things.

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image | by Dr. Radut