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Dark resonance cover

Dark resonance cover

The cover design that I've done so far.
Trying to make it as metal as I can.


iPhone 4G

The first jailbreak for the iPhone 4 was exposed Sunday. The hack liberates iPhone 4 owners from the shackles of the Apple App Store. The iPhone 4 jailbreak permits a cell phone to download unapproved apps from unapproved app stores. Other networks besides AT&T could be hacked with this jailbreaking. Jailbreaking the iPhone 4 “can significantly decay the experience” if you ask Apple their viewpoint.

That concept can be very

That concept can be very effective on soundproofing a music room.
arizona mobile home park

I’m not sure what your going

I’m not sure what your going for or what you mean by Metal but the unused dark space in the upper right corner seems out of place. Is there to be a logo or something else to fill the void?

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image | by Dr. Radut