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Dragon's Eggs (March BDS)

Dragon's Eggs (March BDS)

Dragon’s Eggs
Two families of dragons, long rivaled, nest on opposite sides of a mountain. With a bitter rivalry both families seek to take ownership of the mountain by stealing an egg from the other family.

Players: 2
Time: ~10 minutes
3 Red dragons (Large, Medium and Small),
3 Blue Dragons (Large, Medium and Small)
1 6x6 mountain board

Dice: Fast, Medium, and Slow d12
{The same results are achieved by rolling a d4, d6, and d8 and halving the result (round up)}

Objective: To retrieve one of your opponent’s eggs and bring it back to your own den.
The Large Papa dragon may only move in a straight line, no turns!
The Medium Mama dragon may turn mid move
The Small Baby dragon is nimble, and able to move diagonally as well as orthogonally.

Eating smaller dragons!
At any time that a dragon of a larger size is able to move onto the same tile as a smaller dragon it may swallow that dragon. When this happens neither dragon may move until the larger dragon moves off that tile freeing the smaller dragon. You still roll a die for your eaten dragon, but do not allocate that movement.
The exception!
When a small dragon is eaten by a medium dragon, if the medium dragon is eaten, the small dragon may be free to move.
• No two dragons may peacefully occupy the square (eat or be eaten)
• Pieces may pass over smaller dragons instead of eating them (if their move is
sufficient), but may not pass dragons of equal or greater size.
• A Dragon may “hand off” an egg by passing through a square that a friendly dragon
holds an egg in
• Dragons may choose to move less than the rolled amount.

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image | by Dr. Radut