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Two things come to mind...

The two (2) things that come to mind are:

1. They are too small and therefore the resolution is not good.

2. However you got them via Internet, your own drawings or an artist, they aren't too bad (except for point #1).

If you can get HIGHER image resolutions (like 300 DPI) maybe they might actually look pretty good.

But at the current resolution, they look "sub-par"...

Hostile Encounter image issues

Thank you for the feedback.
The hight of each figure is 30 cm.
I am not sure if the image can be seen in actual size as I think I am doing something wrong each time I send images.

Hi All. Trying some art for

Hi All.
Trying some art for Hostile Encounters and ways to print one piece stand ups for games and ended up with these.
Very simple.
What are your thoughts please?

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image | by Dr. Radut