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How do you calculate your costs for multiple Kickstarter Levels?

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Jacob's picture
Joined: 03/04/2024

So, I've been wondering, how exactly do Kickstarter campaigns plan for their expenses when they have multiple purchase pathways?

Most Kickstarters feature more than one way to purchase their game, such as by having multiple editions.

How does one anticipate for this in their budget?

To help your answer here is my concern:

A company launches a kickstarter campaign for their hot release: "Kickstarter Khaos". To keep it simple, the company decides to disregard the obvious legal issues with this title, and offers two levels of their board game to the world.

Level 1: Basic level.

Includes- Board game.

Level 2: Premium Level

Includes: Board Game with higher quality/custom components.

After a close funding campaign, the company has the following order list:

Level 1: 1,000 units

Level 2: 3 units

My questions are the following. How should have the company planed/budgeted their levels differently?

It seems to me that if a limited number of people buy your higher level game, then you might be out of a profit if you fund on mostly lower level games, and then you are essentially paying for these people to get your premium board game, because the company has to pay for this edition's new molds, component designs, artwork, and so on.

Or, if minimum order works this way, could you find yourself in a position where you will not be able to fulfill your upper level backers, because your did not get the 1,000 minimum order your manufacturer required? (This assumes manufacturers consider each edition of a game as a separate game order. If this is not the case, and you can combine editions as a single order, even if you only have 3 orders of your premium edition, just let me know.)

If you need some more context or questions answered, let me know, and I'll see if I can clarify.

Thanks in advance!

- Jacob

"For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith." Romans 1:16-17

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Some advice for you...

Assuming this is "Kickstarter Khaos" and your Rewards are AS FOLLOWS:

#1> Entry-Level: Basic game with all the "stretch-goals".

#2> Upgraded-Level: Basic game with "Upgraded Components".

Now if the campaign gets the following FUNDING:

#1> 1000 Backers

#2> 3 Backers

The ORDER will be for 1100 Entry-Level for the Base Components PLUS 1050 "Entry" level components and 50 "Upgraded" Level.

The point is you DIVIDE what is COMMON so 1050 "Entry"-Level "core" PLUS 50 "Upgraded" parts.

You will NOT get any discount for the "Upgraded" part and you may pay a premium to only get 50 of those. But you will get a discount on the 1050 "core" + "Entry" Level parts. Economies of scale.

That's why it is IMPORTANT to figure out your COSTS and see what the minimums look like. You can probably afford 200 units to sell. But this isn't TGC, it's China and the MOQ is usually 1000 units.

So you have to do your homework based on 1000 units PLUS (+). And you will no doubt have EXTRA inventory... But you may be able to entice people to buy some UPGRADES at a later time and at a higher cost ... Because they like your game and would want better components.

See what I mean? YOU have to divide the content up and explain its 1000+ of this and 50 of that. Your order is over the 1000 minimum so you should be okay. But remember this is the minimum and you need a minimum 5x Landed Cost. So if it costs you $10 USD to manufacture and $5 USD for Importing and shipping from a fulfillment house, the price is $75 USD retail. Now because you are doing a KS... You can offer a DISCOUNT since you are earning 90% (KS fees) so you could offer a discount of $10 USD and charge $65 USD for your game. For example.

Hope this clarifies your questions. IF you need additional help or have more questions or would like to run another scenario, just reply and let mw know what you need as advice.


questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Just to be CLEAR...

You would ORDER 1100 "core" Components (Shared by BOTH Reward Tiers) and you would make 1050 "Entry" Level Extras and 50 "Upgraded" Level Extras.

As per MY example...

So your order would be:

1100 x "50 Hexes", "10 Tokens", "1 Rulebook".

1050 x "12 Stands", "12 Cards"

50 x "12 Miniatures"

The problem in this scenario is the Molds cost about $300 USD per Miniature. So it may be wise to ensure that people buy into that level given sufficient motivation...

So maybe the Stands are $59 USD and the Minis are $69 USD. And you know that the cost of Miniatures might be a LOSS... Let's assume 100 orders. so $1000 USD in funding... But it's going to cost like 6 unique molds for $300 USD gives you a net LOSS of $800 USD... Which you can absorb given the volume of total sales and profit.

This is the PERFECT example, because often Creators WONDER(?) if they should offer miniatures instead of standies. In some cases it's NOT worth it. But if you are talking about OTHER "Premium" content, please share your thoughts on this and I'll see if this impacts the calculations.


Note #1: The other point that I wanted to make is that I only stated that there are 6 unique MOLDS. Meaning there is some duplication of miniatures. They're going to cost like $0.10 each... So the MOLD costs is the prohibitive cost not the making of them...

You can also make MINIS a "Stretch Goal"... They UNLOCK after a certain amount of funding and this way you KNOW you can pay for the extra COSTS because you've collected sufficient funding to AFFORD the MOLDS...

Note #2: When I say "UNLOCK" means that a NEW Reward tier with a HIGHER COST is added to the KS. Not that they are FREE or an upgrade to EVERYONE. You could make this "stretch goal" visible like maybe #3 ... And show the next 2 AFTER "FUNDING".

So Goal #1: FUNDING, Goal #2: 5 Extra Hexes and Goal #3: Unlock Miniatures Reward Level, etc.

Note #3: So your FUNDING GOALS could be like:

Goal #1: FUNDING = $45,000 USD

Goal #2: 5 Extra Hexes = $50,000 USD

Goal #3: Miniatures UNLOCK = $58,000 USD


So $8000 extra (-10%) = $7200 extra = 6x $300 = $5400 left over. So you have $5400 to pay for the minis (which might cost around $0.10 USD each)... Minus $15 USD Landed Costs = 135 Backers. So COST = 135x $15 = $2000 USD Cost.

You are left with ~$3400 USD in terms of profit (less cost to produce the minis...) Which is like 135 Backers x $0.10 x 12 = $200 USD. So let's say you are left with ~$3000 USD in your pocket.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
"Stretch Goals" are important!

They're a way to HELP you fund things that could be CONDITIONAL (like miniatures) and Premium Content. The more Premium GOALS you have, the higher likely you will meet those GOALS and unlock more content which is PREMIUM.

You just need to figure out COSTS and factor in how much of $$$ is left over when all is said and done PER GOAL.

Again, let me know if you don't understand my examples or if you need further direction when it comes to understanding how to COMPARTMENTALIZE your KS and what you offer your Backers.


Note #1: Let's say you have PREMIUM "extras" which could be divided into 5 "Stretch Goals" First you UNLOCK the Reward Level and then the next step would be to UPGRADE content (So you start with only MINIS as an extra)... Your other goals could be UPGRADE or ADDITIONAL content for the "PREMIUM" Reward ONLY. This is a way of encouraging more Backers to choose the PREMIUM level ... Because they will get more CONTENT and make their purchase more worthwhile.

For you this means offering a BETTER product overall... Knowing that some Backers will only buy into the base "Entry" Level...

Note #2: You can mix-and-match Stretch Goals like a "Extra for everyone", followed by an "Extra for Premium Backers", etc... And make it seem like some content for everyone and some content for specific pledge levels...

Note #3: In my previous example I demonstrated 3 FUNDING GOALS. You can CHANGE and have 4 (starters):

Goal #1: FUNDING = $45,000 USD

Goal #2: 3 Extra Hexes for all = $49,000 USD

Goal #3: UNLOCK the Upgraded Reward Level (Add Miniatures) = $57,000 USD

Goal #4: 2 Extra Hexes for Upgraded Backers = $60,000 USD

etc. And just make it seem seamless in that the goals are more feasible given that you are dividing the content knowing that the GOAL is for MORE Backers to choose the "Upgraded" Reward Level.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
More FYI

In our campaign we started with 2 Reward Pledges. And then once we received a minimum of Backers, we unlocked the Miniatures. I can't remember if it was a Stretch Goal or something that Mike figured out after seeing a quantity of Backers and offered "Premium Content".

So in our case, we have a "Entry-Level" Pledge with KS ALL Extras. Next we had an "Expanded-Level" Pledge which included the cards, game pads, rulebooks, mats and PREMIUM DICE and specific Expansion-based content and then lastly we added the Miniatures given that we had a COMMON Base Mold and 5 Unique Molds.

And I saw the Quotation Spreadsheets where there was like 1100 "core" + 200 "Entry-Level", 300 "Expanded" and 600 "with Miniatures"...

Something like that. Just as a FYI. We did exactly what you are talking about.

And ALSO... PRICE your LANDED COST and SHIPPING FEES. I doubt you will be able to OFFER FREE VAT (in Europe). So be aware of this ... You need to make sure your figures are ALL CORRECT and that your QUOTES stand. We shipped in the middle of COVID and it meant 2x the COST of Container Shipping. We lost a lot of profit from this. NEXT the COST of Manufacturing went up because it was 5-Years Later (Yeah we had a lot of struggles and it took more time than we had planned for... And Mike died too... So RIP and it impacted our timeline). NEXT the COST of VAT from the UK was offset by a VAT Fee we collected from MOST of the European Backers (but not all... About ~50 Backers did not pay and got no game) ... We were already SHORT because the EXTRA art brought the Budget to $10,000 CAD ART... So $4,500 USD + $3,000 USD (I had initially paid).

I think a lot of people who do KS the first time... Get into trouble. We ended up in the RED by ~$2500 USD in the END. So PLAN properly and establish a good TIMELINE. The more you can do UPFRONT the better. Obviously if Manufacturing takes 6-Months ... There is nothing you can do and maybe 2-Months for Shipping ... So 8-Months... I would give more time and say 12-Months to deliver... etc, etc.

Jacob's picture
Joined: 03/04/2024
Thanks for the info.

Thanks for the info @questccg.

I am thinking it might be best to do a stretch goal system for one level. MAYBE two, but only if I can get the math to work.

All backers would get any level's reward as it unlocks in the one level system.

Do people like Kickstarters that have a lot of stretch goals but only one level to purchase?

(Save maybe the $1 level).

Or should I try harder to understand all the logistics behind this stuff for a more successful Kickstarter.


- Jacob

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
The $1 Level is for...

Generally a placeholder when using a Pledge Manager after the Campaign is over like "BackerKit", "Pledge Manager", "Gamefound", "Crowdox", etc. This will allow the $1 Level pledges choose their Funding in the Pledge Manager AFTER the KS is done.

It can ALSO act as a placeholder for STORES that maybe want to purchase 10x a game (several boxes for their store). Some stores like to do this and the $1 Level acts as a way to contact them to confirm if they want to purchase a larger quantity than ONE (1) Game box.

Most KS I've seen have like 2 or 3 Levels unless they have compound products. Like for say a KS for DICE. You can have 1-set, 2-sets, 5-sets, etc. and only one (1) shipping cost because 5 or 1-set is the same (almost) weight and cost nothing extra (for example).

But I will state the OBVIOUS: the simpler the better.

What you need to DO is figure out the pricing according to the LEVELS: Entry, Upgraded and Premium (for example) and know how much it is going to cost for a "core" and your improved parts. You've got to contact manufacturers and state a minimum of 1,000 units + the variation content.

That is very important. Also you should figure out your Landed Cost (how much to SHIP your games to the USA) and the shipping to the Backers (depending on where you want to sell the game) and price that ABOVE and BEYOND the basic price. What I mean is it's $65 USD + $16 USD shipping and you can maybe get away with a better price using "Pirate Ship" in the USA. But figure out where you want to send games: USA, Canada, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand. As sample destinations and try to get a common shipping price (for those destinations). Europe should pay their OWN VAT taxes... Don't get mixed up with that otherwise you are going to get into trouble (like we did). And don't ship for Europe from the UK... The British Pound makes everything more expensive and you will get stuck having to pre-pay the VAT taxes (bad for you)!

You should be PREPARED and know your costs AHEAD of the KS. It could take 1-Month to get quotes and figure out what the pricing and shipping should look like. Keep it as SIMPLE as possible but do what YOU want to do for your KS and your Backers. They will thank you for all your preparation ahead of the KS.

And remember if your KS funds, you probably have a 1-Year Window and contact the manufacturers AS SOON AS POSSIBLE "after the KS" given that you are READY to make and ship (down-the-line) so-to-speak.

Figure out your LANDED COST too: this is the price of the manufacturing plus the COST to ship to the USA (for example). You could use Fulfilrite in the USA and Happy Shops in Europe or you can ship everything from the USA. But you've got to figure that out BEFORE to know what to charge for the game and its shipping...

That also is very important. Don't do it as an estimate... Because you may get caught with higher pricing that eats into your profit and leaves you very little in terms of profit after all is said and done.

Having 1 to 3 levels for a KS is perfectly acceptable. Know what YOU want to do and what you want to OFFER to your Backers.


Note #1: One CLARIFICATION I want to make is this:

#1> You can ship to your home and fulfill yourself via "Pirate Ship".

#2> You can ship to Fulfilrite in the USA and pay them to fulfill Globally.

#3> You can also ship to Happy Shops in Germany and pay them to ship to Europe and other destinations. ASK if you MUST pay VAT taxes upfront. If you do... Don't do it... Do it all from the USA either YOU or Fulfulrite in New Jersey.

At the time of the writing of this note, UK charges VAT taxes upfront and the KS owner must PAY the VAT taxes BEFORE shipping otherwise they will refuse to ship the game (in the UK). Not sure if this is a European Union issue (meaning that NOW you MUST pay the VAT taxes in advance) and if it is... Avoid it like the plague and SHIP from the USA.

In this scenario Backers may have to pay EXTRA VAT taxes when they get their games at their door or when they pickup games from a storage location (like a store or shop nearby).

Don't play the VAT tax game ... You'll lose a lot of money and it will seriously affect the outcome of your project (and profit)... It'll eat it all up if you don't allow for the Backers to pay their OWN VAT taxes.

OR keep it even more simple: don't ship to Europe. Just USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. That also will ensure that you don't need to worry about the VAT taxes because these countries have none.

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