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What are "Factions"??? Are they UNITS per Faction or something else???

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questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011

X3M wrote:
Lists some Tiers with "Possible factions"...

I don't know what "Possible factions" are?!?! Are they supposed to be UNITS per Faction??? Or something else???

IF they are UNITS per Faction ... Are they for a TableTop Game or a Video Game?

(Another) IF they are for a Video Game the values may be a bit HIGH. IF they are for a TableTop Game the values are WAY TOO HIGH.

See in a video game takes care of handling the units on SCREEN. But in a TableTop Game, you either need cards with miniatures or standies, etc. In this case I would instead suggest maybe Squad-sized armies (which is 7 to 14 units).

But this could be limited to Armed Forces (soldiers) and then you can have support vehicles like 3 Tanks, 2 Jeeps and 1 Hummer making your Squad-sized army about 20 units FOR THE GAME. Not for a Tier...

SO 20 units for a TableTop Game. MAX!

IF you are talking about a Video Game ... You could have Tiers but not really in a TableTop Game. Furthermore, I said for a Video Game the tiers are still a bit HIGH. A Squad-sized amount of Soldiers is 7 to 14. That works. But you could have more Tanks and Jeeps and Hummers since you can GROUP into separate armies (using Ctrl-1 to 5) and that allows you to control sub-factions of units. Still values above maybe 50 units is too HIGH. In a Video Game I would recommend a cap on units to 50 given a cap on soldiers is 14... That means 36 mechanized units which can be Tanks, Jeeps, Hummers, Apaches, Jet Planes, Bombers, etc. Starcraft 1 = has a cap of 60 units. So 50 is not too bad. And if each group can control 14 units... That means 70 units AT MAX!

Given this analysis, I would say a Video Game caps off at 70 units with 14 Soldiers at maximum (1-Squad) combined with mechanized units which are 4x 14 = 56 units remain to be built.

In a TableTop game ... I would limit this to 14 Soldiers (1-Squad) and 6 support units. In general, LESS is better than more in TableTop Gaming...

I didn't want to write all this in a Private Message... So I posted a NEW Topic for us to discuss... I have not disclosed your Tiers and their values, I have kept that information SECRET. But know that what you propose TO ME, is MUCH, MUCH too MUCH!

I have explained how I see it. And what other comparable games have done. For both TableTop AND Video Games.

Feel free to reply to this topic without YOUR details, we can keep them SAFE and confidential but know that IMHO they are TOO MUCH.


questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
To condense a bit...

14 Soldiers (Riflemen, Grenadiers, Missile Soldiers, etc.) + 3 types of support units with a CAP of 6 mechanized support units. For a TOTAL of 20 units.

That is for the TableTop Game IMHO.

14 Soldiers + a CAP of 56 mechanized support units. For a TOTAL of 70 units.

That is for the Video Game IMHO.

More is too difficult to track and keeping things SIMPLE is easier for the players to comprehend the PHYSICAL limits (or caps) that are pre-determined for each of the types of game (TableTop and Video).

Cheers @Ramon.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
You can never-the-less have TIERS for both...

Something like this could work.

Soldiers = 1 to 14 MAX. So any combination of soldiers but capped at 14.

Tier Description Min. Max.
#1 Rifleman 1 14
#2 Grenadier 1 14
#3 Rocket Soldier 1 14
#4 Machine Gunner 1 14
#5 Assault Rifleman 1 14
#6 Sniper 1 14
#7 etc., etc. 1 14

Next you could have Tiers for Armored Vehicles (Land-based) and the Air Forces for support (Air-based), etc.

And you can have tiers for DIFFERENT types of Tanks, Vehicles, etc.

Something like that makes sense to me...

Note: I think you can have different Tiers for the TableTop game but I would like LIMIT them to SIX (6) Tiers per game... What do I mean?

I mean that in total with all UNITS COMBINED you have SIX (6) DIFFERENT CARDS in FRONT of you (which make-up you army).

That sounds logical to me... And six (6) cards is just enough for a PLAY MAT or something similar.

You could further divide that into Front-Line and Support and make maybe TEN (10) DIFFERENT Tiers for EACH... 5 and 5... MAX (You could have less)...

If you divide (Front & Support) I would say ten (10) cards (Tiers) is enough.

IF you DON'T divide (online one-line) I would say six (6) cards is enough...

Something like that.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
So if you have Font & Support... For the TableTop Version

You can have "Riflemen" (#1) and Grenadiers (#2) in the Front.

"Machine Gunners" (#4) and "Snipers" (#6) in Support.

And then some Vehicles like "Tanks" (#8) in Front and in Support.

So you could do something like this:

#2 (1), #1 (4), #8 (2), #1 (4), #2 (1) <= Front line

#4 (1), #8 (2), #6 (2), #8 (2), #4 (1) <= Support line

That's 20 units and comprised of FIVE (5) Tiers.

For a TableTop game... This to ME, makes sense. And you have ONE (1) Token in play which REPRESENTS the Army (that you can move around) without any worry of mixing things up. You have you Playmat and you DEFINE your ARMY. And then you have the AREA of PLAY where you MOVE that ARMY.

Something like that...

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
And I'm pretty sure you CAN use CRT tables too!

So you can have a nice image plus a bunch of stats on ONE (1) SIDE (Face) and on the BACKSIDE (Back), you can have each unit's Tier CRT Table for hitting the unit...

Since you need the extra space, using the BEST and FULLEST amount of space for BOTH Stats and CRT ... You could use BOTH sides of the card.

Plus one side can have a "picture"/artwork of the unit and that goes without saying that your game could be SIMPLE "looking" but much more complex with the CRTs and the various STATS/Abilities each Tier (or UNIT Type) is capable of having and using.

I know this probably sounds too SIMPLE... But some of the BEST game are the ones that are SIMPLE yet FUN to play. Simplicity doesn't mean that the design was very intricate and well thought up... It just means that in the end... The method of play is streamlined into something more "straight-forward" and very intuitive too.

Again something like that...

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Some more information about THIS CRT table

So the Rows is a standard 2D6 roll and the Columns indicate the Attribute Level.

The Attributes themselves come from the LHS of the character sheet which are the 5 STATS given the five (5) colors. In this case 6, 5, 4, 4, and 9.

I'm not sure I UNDERSTAND the "Green vs. Orange" in the CRT table. Maybe @X3M can explain this.

The second table is DAMAGE and it's 0 to 9 (Columns) which is determined by the CRT table (I believe). I DON'T know what "WDI" stands for and why it is 1 to 5...?

The TOP table is types of attacks in comparison with the enemy. So because this unit only has Melee and Magic Attacks then "Ranged" Row is BLACK. And further analysis shows that Melee vs. Melee = No bonus/penalty same goes for Magic vs. Magic.

This is a very CLEVER implementation of a CRT table and if only we knew what "WDI" means ... We could have a better idea of how that works.

questccg wrote:
But @X3M that second table can be an ACCURACY table INSTEAD! Hehehe... WOW... Smart minds think alike!

So the Accuracy of the UNIT could be a value between 1 and 5. I would probably INVERT the table and make Accuracy "1" be the weakest and Accuracy "5" to be the strongest and then based on the CRT value ... You determine the DAMAGE which actually gets DEALT.

It's a bit convoluted (3 tables) ... But I'm pretty sure it WORKS and you can definitely TWEAK this for your own NEEDS. The TOP Table could be "Soldiers, Land and Air" UNITS and the STATs could be varied according to different TYPES of ATTACKS (not 100% sure...) You can share your opinion on that @X3M!

Anyways I would look at different CRT Tables. This is only ONE (1) implementation... I wish I could find the Game that uses this... But alas I search and could find nothing! :-(

In any event it's a worthwhile topic to DISCUSS further...

Cheers all!

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