Today we’re announcing one of the most massive upgrades to The Game Crafter in our 6 year history. There’s a lot to talk about, so let’s get to it.
UV Coating & Dry Erase
We’re now offering UV Coating for your game components. This makes your game components more durable and dry erasable! To learn more, check out this video.
And we couldn’t release dry erasable components without also releasing dry erase markers! So here you go in black, blue, red, and green.
Laser Cut Chits
We’re now cutting all of our chits using frickin laser beams! This allows for more accurate cuts, less side-effects, more chit shapes and sizes, and multiple chit types per sheet. To learn more check out this video.
Mix-N-Match Chits
We figured you might want to know a bit more about putting multiple chit-types on a single sheet, so we made this video about mix-n-match chits to answer your questions.
As you can see mix-n-match chits are going to make chits much more affordable and higher quality.
New Chit Types
Our large circle, hex, and square chits are now called mini tiles. In addition, we’ve renamed our small circle and square chits to medium circle and square chits. In addition to those changes we’re pleased to announce 2 new sizes of each: Large Circle and Large Square which measure 1 inch each. And Small Circle and Small Square which measure 0.5 inches each.
But just adding more circles and squares isn’t cool enough. We knew we needed to add something totally new as well. We’ve decided to add 3 different sizes of Standees as well!
We can't embed the photos of standees within this BGDF article, but you can see them by clicking our official news post here.
As you can see this is a massive update to our capabilities. We’re really happy to be able to bring you these new services. In fact, this one announcement covers over 30 different ideas in our ideas system!
Our official news post with all of the videos and images displayed inline is located at:
Great Update!
With more and more designers out here moving toward production, it's great to see that The Game Crafter is here for us.