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Crafter Con 2017 - Become a better game designer

The Game Crafter - Crafter Con & Protospiel Madison 2017 - Become a better game designer

We’re pleased to announce that Crafter Con is back! Lot’s of people had such a great time at Crafter Con and they’ve been asking us to bring it back. But instead of building it inside of another con, we decided to make it a stand alone event the day before Protospiel Madison!

This episode of The Official Game Crafter Podcast will tell you all the nitty gritty details.

This year we will be covering topics like vector illustration, mathematical models for board game design, how games are sold in stores, writing solid rule books, and more. We’ll also have special guests like Hasbro giving you the inside scoop on getting your game published. Badges for CrafterCon 2017 are extremely limited, so get yours today! A badge is $50 and CrafterCon will be held on Thursday, November 30th. You get $5 off if you buy your badge for CrafterCon with your badge for Protospiel Madison 2017.

In addition, we are back with the fourth year of Protospiel Madison! We’ve got a a whole new date. This year it will be December 1 - 3. We’ve also got a whole new convention center at the stunning Monona Terrace.

We’ve made a deal with the Hilton connected to the Monona Terrace for $139 per night. However, if you are looking for cheaper rates rather the convenience there are plenty of other hotels of that persuasion. We’ve created a list of them for you here.

The new facility offers us much nicer accommodations. We also get amazing walkable food options with over 100 bars and restaurants within 5 blocks. Plus we’ve rented a space that is 40% larger than previous years to give everyone more room to spread out. And of course we’ll still have our wonderful spread of drink and snacks available.

So join us. Get your badge for Protospiel Madison 2017 and Crafter Con 2017 before we sell out!


If you have some

If you have some advertisements for Crafter Con, then e-mail them to me at: and I will include them in future issues of Suspense & Decision magazine. No charge for the ad space, if you want it. The largest sized ad would be 800 pixels wide by 1035 pixels high.Smaller ads are fine, also.

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blog | by Dr. Radut