The IRS is now requiring The Game Crafter to collect tax information from our US-based game designers so that we can send you an IRS 1099 form at the end of the year on whatever income you earn over the course of the year. We’ve built that into our new payment system and added a new feature for game designers!
Click here to read the official news announcement with screenshots or read the text-only announcement below.
You only need to fill out the tax information if you want to be paid via PayPal. We will require either a Social Security Number or a Federal Employment Information Number. If you don’t feel comfortable giving us your social security number, you can easily apply for an FEIN. Either way, the number will be stored in a Blowfish Block Cypher (fancy geek speak for “really encrypted and secure”).
There is a bunch of good news associated with this change as well. You can now split your earnings between multiple users. You do this via Designer Associates.
To create an associate you just go to your Designer’s page and edit one of your designers. Then type in a partial username or email address. This will allow you to select a user to become an associate. Then you can assign a profit sharing split with that associate. It can be anything from 0 to 100%. You can add as many associates to your designer as you like, and assign them each individual shares.
In addition to getting profit sharing, associates serve another function as well. Associates are allowed to edit the games attached to this designer. In this way, you can collaborate with friends, artists, and publishers without giving them access to your account. Enjoy!
Is it possible to pay people
Is it possible to pay people a share without giving them permission to edit games?
Also, why is the list of designers general? The person who worked on one game shouldn't necessarily have access to the other. The same goes for the money. I only want to share profits on specific games with specific people.
This Designer Associates option should've been an option in the game creation section.