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Quest Adventure Cards - Second Edition: Nebulous

I have been thinking about creating a TGC (The Game Crafter) edition of "Quest Adventure Cards(tm)", The First Edition. The game would be priced at $30.00 + Shipping. In the US that would amount to a savings of about 25% (less another 15% if you include taxes which is a total of 40% off!!!)

In my last post about the Second Edition, I mentioned that I wanted the game to be about "Storytelling". One of the early ideas that I have had recently was the "hidden story". The hidden story would mean that each player would pick one (1) of ten (10) cards that would indicate the "Quest" that the player would need to complete. Successful narration of the story would be *mandatory* but here is the kicker, cards that are played would be double-sided so that players could secretly hide the *true nature* of their quest.

I'm still trying to *balance* between the First Edition, "Questing" and "Storytelling". I must admit I'm not sure about the age group for the game. "Questing" and "Storytelling" are aspects to a game that kids enjoy as opposed to adults.

Robert Burke who I messaged regarding the concept told me of two (2) games that are in the "Storytelling" genre: Rory's Story Cubes and Once Upon a Time. I took a look at both to understand the games and some of their mechanics.

Rory's Story Cubes were basically custom d6s with items on them. You roll and then try to make up a story about them... Hmm... Not exactly what I am interested in.

Once Upon a Time had mechanics *similar* to what I had thought of when I was thinking about "Storytelling". But my purpose for the Second Edition has grown beyond just cards with subject matter that you need to tell a story about... I also want a *game* aspect... Where kids can partake in the storytelling - direct interaction.

I'm still torn if this should be a kids game (Parent's buy) or a more serious game (for 9 year olds). I like designing for kids 9+ ... but I know from experience it's hard to sell a game to kids. An actual kids game (younger than 9) might interest parents.

There is also the adolescent crowd that are into RPGs such as Dungeon & Dragons. Could "Quest 2" be made for them???

Really I need to figure out what I want "Quest 2" to be ... and for whom.


Additional notes

If I can *inject* highly *strategic* elements into the game - perhaps the game MIGHT suit an older crowd (like 15+). However the original game was basically "Set Collection", a far cry from being very strategic.

Co-operative play might be another *angle* where the players collaborate to "Complete the Quest"... And the story unfolds as the players play. This sounds like it has some *promise*... This might be a road to investigate because everybody loves a GOOD Co-op game! Especially if there are very strategic elements to it.

This is one avenue worth exploring further...

"Tradewars - Homeworld" inspiration

One good thing that I have learnt from "Tradewars - Homeworld" is you need to figure out what the game will be about (what is the core selling aspect of the game).

In this particular case, I think I want it to be about ONE (1) Epic Battle. And the story unfold from there... Each player has a randomly drawn hero and the game could be for two (2) to six (6) players.

I think the playtime should be 60 minutes - something longer than a *filler* game - and HIGHLY strategic.

If it's a co-op game, the goal can also be rather simple: all heroes must survive and the story must resolve itself. If one hero dies, all players lose the game!

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