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Serious Play Conference is now accepting board games, card games and tabletop games for the new award category Tabletop Serious

The Serious Play Conference honors games for learning, education, healthcare, corporate, government, museums, military and many other uses. Publishers, developers, designers, faculty, researchers, game-based programs and other organizations come together each year to advance purposeful games across the world.

● Compete for Gold, Silver and Bronze prizes,​ earning recognition as an outstanding example of quality engagement, learning, and innovation in the serious games market.

● You also win official Certification​ as a leading product in the field.

Publishers, independent studios, companies, individuals, organizations, universities and student teams may submit tabletop games, due by May 31st.​ (Games will need to be mailed for judges to review your game. Mailing addresses will be sent after you finish the submission form.) View past award winners for 2014, 2015 and 2016 online.

“Serious Games have become a more and more popular means of learning and skill development, and the winning titles showcase the effectiveness of serious games and its advancements each year.” Sue Bohle, Executive Director, Serious Games Association.

All medal winners will be awarded during the 2017 Serious Play Conference Tuesday - Thursday, July 18-20,​ at George Mason University’s Science and Technology Campus in Manassas, Virginia. The conference is hosted this year by the Virginia Serious Games Institute.

To submit your game and learn more, go online at:



The deadlines on the Serious Play conference site itself is different - April 1st (pro) and May 1st (student). Where did you find this description showing May 31st?

Deadline is correct.

I verified this with their team. They updated the website to reflect the correct date for international serious tabletop games. (a new category this year). So it is May 31st and the site has been updated now.

Well I'd better get busy!

That's good to hear! Though now I've got to rush to assemble materials for my entries!

Same Here

This sounds like an excellent opportunity. I actually gave a presentation on this - as well as a few of my game designs for my day job - just two weeks ago.

Thanks for sharing this news, and the revised date!

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