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Staff Picks at The Game Crafter

The Game Crafter - The Leading Print On Demand Game Publisher

In the latest episode of The Game Crafter Official Podcast, Jeff King and JT Smith talk about Staff Picks! Learn all about staff picks by listening to the podcast here.


This was an interesting LISTEN

Thanks for posting that link, it was informative. At the end, you said you were looking for other ways to promote games. This is just off the top of my head, but I think a "Game of the Month" might be interesting... Well 12 games seems a little bit low (in terms of volume), maybe bi-monthly so 24 games a year.

And then you could have a Search Category of "Game of the Month" which would have less games in that category.

BUT beats me HOW you would choose the "Game of the Month". I think if it's money or Crafter Points, it's not necessarily fair. So I have NO ideas about HOW to implement it fairly.

Just my 2 cents...

Note: you could have YEARLY subcategories so maybe like game of the WEEK, 52 games per year. That also might be interesting. But again same problem, I don't know HOW you would make this fairly...


Thanks for posting your thoughts about how to promote games. I'll be sure to share your feedback with my partners.

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