Come hang out with us in The Game Crafter's chat channel on Wednesday, May 3rd at 8pm (US Central Time). We’re going to be chatting with Jeremy Holcomb, the designer of the White Box.
The White Box is a game design work-shop-in-a-box created by Jeremy Holcomb and published by Gameplaywright, because we think designing games is awesome and we want to help more people get their game ideas out of their heads and onto the table. The White Box consists of a book of essays about design and publishing, as well as a collection of generic components for prototyping. It’s Kickstarting now, though May 17. More details at
That is really cool. I love
That is really cool. I love this type of product. PrintPlayGames has similar but broken down by a general game type.
To monday morning quarterback it- I have to ask why no deck of blank cards & why no cheap dry-erase board (to quickly try a design)?
It's super cool and there's another guy in The Game Crafter community who's working on something called Sandbox. It's a designer kit like the white box but will be directly available in our shop when he's done.
If you've got questions about the white box then definitely join our chat mentioned in our post and you can ask the designer directly. :)