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Miniatures Design Challenge Entries

Here are your contests entries for the Miniatures Design Contest at The Game Crafter:
(click here to see the official announcement which includes links to all of these games)

General Capture
Jayke Jack’s Rearview Mirror!!
Dire Spirit (contest entry)
Cosmos: Three Trains in Space
Dungeon Scoot
Don’t Get Dead!
Town Guard Basic Edition
Hatfield vs McCoy - Gold Rush
Troll Roll
Queen’s Number
The Zone
Turbulence (2 player)
Sherman’s March

18 Card Wrap for Booster Packs

18-Card Wrap for Booster Packs - Available at The Game Crafter

The Game Crafter is pleased to introduce a new 18 card wrap. It will hold 18 poker cards and is ideal for booster packaging. Each wrap is full bleed, full color, and is made of thin paper. They cost $1.99, and are available now. Go download the template. Enjoy!

Note, this was a funded perk of our Indiegogo Campaign.

Large Pro Game Boxes Now Available

The Game Crafter is pleased to announce our new Large Pro Box. It is made of a cardstock that is nearly double the thickness of our previous Large Game Box. It has seamless corners, and will hold up to quite a bit more stress than our original box. It still has the same dimensions as our old Large Game Box so the box wraps you’ve designed will continue to work as normal. It sells for $1.99, and all games with the old Large Game Box have been upgraded to the Large Pro Box automatically.

8 Year Old Boy Creates Buzzworthy new Board Game at The Game Crafter

8 Year Old Boy Creates Buzzworthy new Board Game, Questing, at The Game Crafter

We recently heard about an 8 year old boy who created and self-published his own board game on The Game Crafter. The game is called Questing and it has received a lot of attention in the TGC community as well as on Reddit. We knew this would be a great story so we contacted his father, CC, and interviewed him to see how this all came about.

Normal People Miniatures Available At The Game Crafter

Normal People Miniatures - Now Available at The Game Crafter Parts Shop!

The Game Crafter is pleased to introduce our normal people miniatures! Just your average Joes and Janes. We realize that not everybody is making a game that needs fantasy, war, or futuristic miniatures, so now you’ve got your average humans. These will make great pawns, not to mention excellent fodder if you’re making a zombie game. Enjoy!

The Game Crafter Is About To Get Its 20,000th Order And Is Giving Away 20,000 Pennies in Shop Credit To Celebrate!

The Game Crafter - The Leading Print On Demand Game Publisher

It’s hard to believe that The Game Crafter is going to get its 20,000th order in the next few days! After all, when we launched this service (as a beta) back in July of 2009, we weren’t even sure there was a market for print on demand game publishing.

Winner Announced for The Game Crafter Map Builder Design Challenge!

Mob Town, by Danny Devine - Winner of The Game Crafter Map Builder Design Challenge!

We’re pleased to announce that Mark “Shmitz” Major of Whirling Derby Games, and who is our guest judge for the Map Builder Design Challenge has determined the winner. But why spoil the surprise. We’ll let him tell you in his own words.

Congrats! We reached the $7000 Goal!

$7000 Goal Reached! $10,000 Shrink Wrap Goal makes shrink wrapping FREE for all games, for everyone, forever!

We have reached the $7000 Shrink Wrap goal in 20 days! This means that we’ll have the funds to get an Advanced Shrink Wrap Machine and all games will be wrapped at $.20/game! This is a great achievement for the The Game Crafter community and it confirms that there’s significant demand for shrink wrapping after all.

Post Apocalypse and Urban Resistance Miniatures Available at The Game Crafter

Post Apocalypse and Urban Resistance Miniatures Now Available at The Game Crafter

The Game Crafter is pleased to announce the release of some post apocalypse and urban resistance miniatures to go with the special forces released a few days ago.

New Raffle For $100 Gift Card to The Game Crafter!

Several people have asked us to add a raffle to the current Indiegogo Shrink Wrap campaign we’re running. So we’ve added one to see how it goes!

To participate, you need to purchase the new perk called “1 Entry: $100 Gift Card Raffle”. For each $5 Entry perk you purchase, you get 1 entry into the raffle. The winner will be selected/announced when the campaign ends!
(if there are lots of people participating in this raffle, we may add additional raffles!) Let the fun begin… good luck!

Click here to visit our campaign page

PS - please share this raffle with anyone you think may be interested! We are only $1108 from our $7000 Shrink Wrap Goal!!! Woohoo!

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by Dr. Radut