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New designer?

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Joined: 12/31/1969

Yesterday I was (trying) to study for finals and was struck with the idea of creating my own board game. I have played games like Settlers and Carcassone for a couple of years now, but suddenly came up with an idea of my own. Needless to say, most of the rest of my day was spent surfing the web for resources (whamo -> BGDF) and other ideas...

Anyways, I wanted to introduce myself and thank you all for doing such a good job providing resources for a potential game designer. You are doing a great thing!



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Joined: 06/20/2008
New designer?

Welcome Vassoul,

The members are what make this site so great! Post, read, enjoy and have fun! Again, welcome!

Joined: 12/31/1969
New designer?

Those are the same games that got me into game design as well. I would imagine this is the case for people who first discover euro-style games because the mechanics are so intriguing compared to what Americans grew up on - a steady boardgame diet of Monoply, Uno, Risk, Pictionary, and Clue.

That being said, I find a good portion of the eurogame market to be too mechanical and dry with not enough theme or excitement. My goal as a designer is to make games that hopefully have solid mechanics but that retain a fun factor.

Good luck to you in your pursuits!

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