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Why not a Banner Network for our members

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larienna's picture
Joined: 07/28/2008


On my Allegro community network, we have a banner network to help ourself advertise each other. Do you think that we could afford to do the same for this forum?

Let me expalin how it could work. Each registred user has the possibility to upload 1 banner of a limited size (12k to 20k) with a specific resolution. Then the user receive a piece of code that he must copy on his web site. When a visitor arrives at his web site, the piece of code select one of the banner uploaded by the users of the forum and send it on the page. You generally refresh each 30 seconds or 1 minute to change the banner (unless there is only 1 banner on the whole network).

The advantages is that you first have a some free advertisement. Second, you support the other members of the forum and third, you are sure that all the banners drawn on your web site won't be related to anything else than board games.

For the administrators, you will need some disk space to store the banners and you will need to check the content of the banner before accepting it in the network (to make sure there is no non-board game content)

I am not sure if everybody here have his web site. If it is the case, maybe it is the reason why there is no network banner. Still, making a web site should not be complicated since some servers, like Geocities, gives free web space.

sayonara (^_^)


Dralius's picture
Joined: 07/26/2008
Why not a Banner Network for our members

I am interested in hearing from the others who have their own sites on this subject. I usually would not consider banner ads for my site but if they were from people I know run by people I know I might consider it. What does everyone else think?

Joined: 06/22/2010
Why not a Banner Network for our members

It is a good idea, but I don't think we'd need the formallity of banner exchange software. Each of us who are interested can look at the sites of other members and include a page of banners for the ones we think our visitors would be interested in.

I also don't think there will be enough interest to run a formal program. About 14 months ago I tried to set up a web store to sell members games and have the creators drop-ship them. I had about 2 people interested and ultimately let the domain expire due to lack of interest.

As well, I offered a free web hosting service for game developers and I had 1 person sign up and they never even uploaded anything to their account.

There just doesn't seem to be interest in that sort of thing here.

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