I'm about ready to send in my entry. One more read through and it's off.
I'm pleased with the design, although I wonder now if I didn't misunderstand Zev's request that the game not deal with named monsters. Are multiple monsters of each type a requirement? I myself only have one mummy, one wolfman and so on. Ah well, I'm committed now, so let the dusty bones fall where they may!
Against my normal leanings, I wanted to play this theme straight, rather than humourously. At the top of my page, I kept this quote from a horror fanzine:
"It was the humanity of the classic monsters, more than any other quality, that made us love them. They were strong, ugly, fearsome to be sure, but the crux of their character was their desire to be human."
For the longest time, that was my gameplay design goal. I wanted to have a slider on the character card that would see the monsters descend from noble to beastly. The winner would be the monster that held on to the most pieces of its humanity.
In the end, though, this became an albatross and I had to let it go.
The trouble is, what separates human from beast is largely control and restraint, so remaining human was usually a matter of NOT doing something -- resisting temptation. Not fun to play.
I kept the sympathetic approach to monsters in my final design, but it's part of the overall theme now, not a gameplay element.
Best of luck to all. I'll be posting my proposal once we get a thread going, and I look forward to seeing what other folks wrote!
== That is a very good point about the "Zombies!!" game (or games, as it appears to be the case, now that I have done a search on the matter). However, Zev's wording is a little ambiguous. He may very well have meant "do not give me just zombies", but I thought that was included in the fact that he wanted multiple, classic monster types, not just one type. Thus, I am inclined to think that he meant "do not use zombies in your game, as I have seen plenty of them in Twilight Creation's games".
== In any case, I suppose that should not matter too much at this stage of the game. If zombies are not to be used at all, I could easily swap them out for something else.
== Thanks for the help :).