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contest rules clarification

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Joined: 08/03/2008

Question about the rules judging criterion:

*Cohesiveness: 15 points. (How well does the game work as a whole; I.E. do the components, instructions and playing aids make the game easy to learn and play)
* Components:  5 points.  (How well the components are integrated into the game)


Joined: 04/23/2013
contest rules clarification

Components are different from cohesiveness. Let me explain, we wanted to grade on the quality of the components but given you

Joined: 08/03/2008
contest rules clarification


Thanks for the reply; you sort of answered my question but a little bit of it still lingers. I understand now that "components" rewards the visual appeal of the game, and agree that out of 65 points, it is the smallest category; that seems to be the way to go.

My question, though, was that it seems that "Cohesiveness", from the way the contest is stated, also rewards components; maybe not "the visual appeal" of the components, but rather, "how useful are the components to making the game easy to play", ie, are charts and player aids organized well? Is that what you intend cohesiveness to mean?

I ask because when I think of cohesiveness, I

Joined: 04/23/2013
contest rules clarification

Your right there is no category to award mechanics. Even though this is a design contest, I think the judging is "in the playing" so to speak. Game mechanics are things designers use and discuss. Sure, more advanced players may say "I like the mechanic that was used in the game". Think of it as a car. Most car drivers appreciate if their car has quick acceleration, they don

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