Buried in the middle of a press release about James Ernest's new company (his forty-third, I believe) is this intriguing idea for game design:
Stonehenge is a revolutionary concept in board games called the “anthology boardgame,” where five award-winning game designers, all using the same gaming components, create five very different games in one box. The ancient ruin of Stonehenge will never be the same. The five games are a magic game by Richard Garfield (Magic: The Gathering, RoboRally, The Great Dalmuti), a political game by Bruno Faidutti (Mystery of the Abbey, Citadels, Knightmare Chess), a battle game by Richard Borg (Battle Cry, Liar’s Dice, Memoir ’44), an auction game by James Ernest (Kill Dr. Lucky, Diceland, Pirates of the Spanish Main), and a science-fiction game by Mike Selinker (Risk Godstorm, Pirates, Axis & Allies Revised). From racing through the ruins to auctioning them off, these five games will keep Stonehenge fresh for years to come.
A star-studded first anthology too!