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A little info about my samurai game

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A little info about my samurai game

I would say that they either they have move out after the battle.

sedjtroll's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008
A little info about my samurai game

galeninjapan wrote:
I would say that they either they have move out after the battle.

I think you are saying they'd have to leave after the battle, which brings up questions like where do they go? Can you end up with units in different places than they started?

You said the thing you like about the combat was the simple elegance of it. I think it would be more elegant not to be moving units all the time, so it'd probably be most clear/elegant to just pick the "Contested" space or tile and then all the units touching it are automatically on offense and all the opposing units touching it are automatically on defense.

A little info about my samurai game

Either way its the same thing. I need to just playtest the thing. I have all the components.

I am using the minis from Shogun and I made the tiles and cards.

A couple of questions.

1. Should I make a reward for winning a battle drawing a card?
2. And what about the card deck? Should it be just recruitment cards? Or should it also be stuff like ninja attacks and other various cards?

sedjtroll's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008
A little info about my samurai game

galeninjapan wrote:
I am using the minis from Shogun and I made the tiles and cards.

I thought of Shogun, only I don't have it and don't know where to look for similar minis like that.

1. Should I make a reward for winning a battle drawing a card?
2. And what about the card deck? Should it be just recruitment cards? Or should it also be stuff like ninja attacks and other various cards?

I would like to see the game in action without cards first, to see what the cards would really add. Perhaps a good thing to reward with a card draw would be to capture a village, or else to have other features (besides Villages and rice Fields) on tiles... I like that you have to decide weather to occupy a Ridce Field OR a village- you need villages to win (or even to get reinforcements the way I'd do it), but you need Rice fields to support the troops. A delicate balance.

This is why I think no tiles should have both a Village AND a Rice field (or no space anyway).

So maybe there's a feature that is a Dojo, and at the Dojo you draw a card (a reinforcement card, maybe a 'ninja attack' card which you use in combat, maybe you forego your Archery round and instead assasinate a unit- note this would be useful if the Defender chooses casualties- might have to specify that you can't assassinate a Daimyo that way).

Another thought I had the other day was that you actually get 1 action per unit, and the action the unit can take might depend on the tile features, like in a Village they can recruit... in a Dojo I guess they could draw a card... in any case they could Move... in a rice field then get no additional benefit because they are busy harvesting rice.

A little info about my samurai game

What about this, Every tile has a villiage and a rice field. And some tiles have Shrines. When you capture a shrine you draw a card.

I have to have the card deck at least to recruit units untill i think of a better way. Is there a better way to get units?

sedjtroll's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008
A little info about my samurai game

galeninjapan wrote:
What about this, Every tile has a villiage and a rice field. And some tiles have Shrines. When you capture a shrine you draw a card.

Is there a particular reason you want tiles to have both a Rice field AND a Village... let alone ALL tiles?

If the tiles are all the same then I think it takes away a large part of the tile laying aspect. Why bother, you know?

If it's just some of the tiles that have the features and some are blank then there's still the issue that you want to control allt he tiles with features indescriminantly. There's no tension in having to choose between this tile and that tile because both would be equivalent.

I think about 80% of your game rests on the choice- do I control the Rice Field to support another army, or do I control a Village to try and win (or do whatever else a Village might do- like allow you to recruit a unit for example)?

- Seth

sedjtroll's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008
A little info about my samurai game

Instead of Cards for recruits, use Tiles (same size as terrain tiles, different backs). It fits the theme and matches components... i think it would be better. Especially if each tile had 2 Units on them (1 per half).
EDIT: I'm thinking of Majong-style tiles here.

Also, what do you think about the idea of Flagbearers? There would be a Flagbearer for each unit type (Pikeman, Archer, Swordsman), they could work either of two ways:

a. They could count as both their unit-type and "Flagbearer" and therefore increase the accuracy of your army a lot, but then not roll an attack die. Or

b. They could count as unit-type "Flagbearer" and therefore be different than the Archers or the Pikement or whichever one it is. Then it would give some benefit to the unit-type that it is (like the Archer Flagbearer woud make Archers in combat withit a little better- maybe with that defensive stuff I mentioned before- making thm immune to a number)


- Seth

A little info about my samurai game

I think this is what I am going to do.

I am going to keep the cards for recruit and see how they work for now. But I am going to add about 12 shrines to the game. With a total of 30 tiles 12 of which will have shrines that will generate ronin.

Every turn each shrine that you control generates 1 ronin. You may never have more ronin than the number of shrines that you have.

Ronin act as wild cards, in that they "Fill in the gaps" for the army they are in.

I think I am going to keep the roads also in the game.
I have actually made the tiles with roads and mountains and they look pretty good.

A little info about my samurai game

Here is a recruitment card. All recruitment cards are for 2 units except for the rose card.

Here is a simulated map. The green things are villiages and the blue are rice fields. The shaded area is mountains and the lines are roads.

Here is a close up.

sedjtroll's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008
A little info about my samurai game

Something I might have misunderstood before... when you place a unit on a tile, do you control that whole tile (rice and village)? Or just one of the two (per unit)?

A little info about my samurai game

You control the whole tile.

Joined: 08/03/2008
A little info about my samurai game

Looks fine. Perhaps in the future you might provide links to pictures rather than including them in the forum post? They are very slow to load (on my dial up connection, at least) and now every time someone wants to look at this thread, they have to wait for all the images to download even if they've seen them 10 times before. I don't know if we have a formal policy on this or not.


sedjtroll's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008
Crazy (?) idea for the combat.

Instead of dice, what do you think of this alternative to reward diverse units in combat:

So instead of dice you have 1 deck of cards. At the beginning of combat you draw 1 card per unit type you have participating (maybe draw an additional card if you have any Ronin)

Then, if you have any Archers, you play 1 card first (if they have any archers they do the same). Compare results and resolve casulties. Then, if you have any Samurai (or perhaps for each Samurai), you may discad a card and draw another. Then reveal the rest of the cards, compare the results and resolve casulties.

Cards could be like "Offense- Score one casualty" and "Defense- Cancel one Offense card". Or maybe those two plus "Neutral- nothing happens". Something like that. Could even use a standard deck of cards where anything over a 5 is a hit unless cancelled by an opponent's play of a higher card... or whatever.

What do you think?

- Seth

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