Any comments though about the # of cards this would entail? Say there are 20-25 planets in the game... too many? or would that be fine?
But there are more challenges here. When two or more fleets have the same destination (i.e. use the same card): A) mingling markers will get confusing, and B) the arrival of the first fleet will expose the destination of the fleets still en route.
If the number of possible fleets per player is fixed (and small), you might consider a Planet Wheel/Dial for each fleet that can be 'dialed in' to a destination. El Grande has a similar contraption?
Wow, so I'm finally finding time to reply to all the great ideas being tossed around here - and again guys, thanks a million... You have no idea how many times I get stuck/sick of/uninspired only to post one thing on here and see an avalance of replies. =)
Let's say 25 planets total, plus 10 Ditto (2 for each fleet, with 5 total fleets) is 35 cards per player and if I make this (and hopefully I will) a 4 player game that's 140 just for space travel. Initially that doesn't sound bad, but I can worry later when the card total for the game surpasses 5,000.
Another idea I've been toying with is theme to fix this: In this universe (since it's different in each one in SCIFI lit), a group of ships must be in close proximity to be able to hypertravel through space. So the starting points must be similar and the end points similar. So with this 'science' of hypertravel the destination is earmarked (say if another group of ships WERE to try it, they'd all crash together or go way off course and so it isnt even an option).