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Mac PDF conversion program

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Joined: 08/03/2008

In the "Downloads" section, there's a program that allows any windows file to be converted to a .pdf. Does anyone know of a comparable free program for the Mac? A google search reveals a lot of hits, but I'm trying to save myself the time and energy of downloading a bunch of programs if someone knows of a good one.



Joined: 12/31/1969
Mac PDF conversion program

What type of Windows files does it open?

If you have OS X, then anything you can view can be printed to PDF without the need of any extra software. But, if this program can, say, convert a Word document to PDF without having Word, that's pretty cool.

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Joined: 06/20/2008
Re: Mac PDF conversion program

jwarrend wrote:
In the "Downloads" section, there's a program that allows any windows file to be converted to a .pdf. Does anyone know of a comparable free program for the Mac? A google search reveals a lot of hits, but I'm trying to save myself the time and energy of downloading a bunch of programs if someone knows of a good one.



Jeff what version of Mac OS? OSX has some built it options, at least on my OSX 10.3 version. Just type something into the textedit program, select print, one of the options along the bottom of the dialog that appears is Save as PDF. (works in other apps also...)

I dont remember if this feature is part of earlier version of the OS, but I think even OS9 had an option on the print dialog to "print to file", which I think saves the files as a PDF format. Has been awhile since I did anything on OS9 so I cant remember....

If I remember I will take a look around work tomorrow to see if there other options laying around the office. Tons of old software laying around since we have down a ton of Win and Mac development, I might be ablt to get a hold of some other software that might help you out.

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