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Question about estimate cost of a game....

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i am working on a new board game and thinking of manufacturing it myself.
i am thinking to start with about 5000 copies.
my quastion is if someone can estimate how much money it is going to cost me to create it. :roll:
i am talking about a monopoly style game.
thanks in advance 8)

Joined: 04/23/2013
Question about estimate cost of a game....

This is too broad of a question to ask I'm afraid. Too many variables. 5000 is a good starting number however. It seems like it's a magic number that keeps reoccuring when people here discuss the minimum that most printers will be willing to print. My best advice is to find a small independent company that has produced a game similar in appearance and components and ask them how much it cost them to produce it. Again, your results will vary when you try to go to print, but at least you'll get a ball park idea of what you're getting into.



i know there is no accurate answear.
i just want to know if all the parts+board+box for a game such as monopoly is 3$ or 12$.....
just to run some things in my mind before i start to work on it.
thanks again.

Question about estimate cost of a game....

Not to discourage you or anything, but for a Monopoly style game to sell 5,000 copies would mean it would have to revolutionize Monopoly, because there are already hundreds of variations and they all are the same lame game that monopoly was.

To answer your question, it really depends on the company. Most companies will have a form you fill out that asks what all would be needed in a game box, and then they can tell you how much to plan on spending.

Joined: 12/31/1969
Question about estimate cost of a game....

As a rough rule of thumb, take the suggested retail price of any broadly distributed boardgame found in an average store that yours would be similar to in parts. Then divide that suggested retail price by anywhere from 7 to 10 to get the manufacturung cost. So a $30.00 game with a large print run probably costs between $3.00 (x10) and $4.00 (x7.5 to manufacture). That doesn't include your time, the artist's, shipping, overhead, etc., just the manufacturing cost.



Joined: 01/01/2009
Re: Question about estimate cost of a game....

titan72 wrote:
i am working on a new board game and thinking of manufacturing it myself.
i am thinking to start with about 5000 copies.
my quastion is if someone can estimate how much money it is going to cost me to create it. :roll:
i am talking about a monopoly style game.
thanks in advance 8)

*****5000 seems to give you a good break in cost but if you are going to do it in China, you can get away with 3000. As for what your game will cost you need to be very specific. Since you mentioned Monopoly, I would hazard to guess that doing 3000 units of that would cost around $7-8 to around more than $15-$20. Why? Because of those plastic houses and hotels. Assuming they are not standard issue, your tooling costs alone will run around $1-2 a game (and I might be conservative here) and then you gotta pay for those pieces individually and they could cost around a few cents each (and how many are there total - 100?). At 3000 or even 5000 units this will be expensive. The board, cards and money is nothing comparatively. The pawns, which are metal, will also cost you something. But it is the plastic tooling and pieces that will break you.

EDIT: fixed some dumb spelling mistakes.

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Joined: 07/21/2008
Re: Question about estimate cost of a game....

Z-Man wrote:
Why? Because of those plastic houses and hotels. Assuming they are not standard issue, your tooling costs alone will run around $1-2 a game (and I might be conservative here) and then you gotta pay for those pieces individually and they could cost around a few cents each (and how many are there total - 100?). At 3000 or even 5000 units this will be expensive. ... it is the plastic tooling and pieces that will break you.

This might be a cheaper way to go for plastic houses ...


Joined: 12/31/1969
Question about estimate cost of a game....

*****5000 seems to give you a good break in cost but if you are going to do it in China, you can get away with 3000. As for what your game will cost you need to be very specific. Since you mentioned Monopoly, I would hazard to guess that doing 3000 units of that would cost around $7-8 to around more than $15-$20. Why? Because of those plastic houses and hotels. Assuming they are not standard issue, your tooling costs alone will run around $1-2 a game (and I might be conservative here) and then you gotta pay for those pieces individually and they could cost around a few cents each (and how many are there total - 100?). At 3000 or even 5000 units this will be expensive. The board, cards and money is nothing comparatively. The pawns, which are metal, will also cost you something. But it is the plastic tooling and pieces that will break you.

Has anyone examined China as an option for manafacturing your games? It sounds like an interesting prospect, but i wouldn't have a clue how to approach, or even find a suitable Chinese company.

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