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Game #5: Everest by FastLearner

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Joined: 12/31/1969
Game #5: Everest by FastLearner

I'll be working on the new version for at least a couple more days. Perhaps of note:

1. Auctions out

2. Money in

3. Equipment out

4. Calendar in

5. Additional Weather in with a different mechanic, more interesting but still not realistic (but at least not controlled by a player, per se)

sedjtroll's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008
Game #5: Everest by FastLearner

FastLearner wrote:
1. Auctions out

Horray! :)

FastLearner wrote:
2. Money in

Boo :(

FastLearner wrote:
3. Equipment out

Boo :( <-- maybe not boo. Depends on the scoring you go with.

FastLearner wrote:
4. Calendar in

Horray! :)

FastLearner wrote:
5. Additional Weather in with a different mechanic, more interesting but still not realistic (but at least not controlled by a player, per se)

I'm not quite sure I understand what you mean. Additional weather? Is this instead of the weather system you had originally? Or is there some weather that's tied to the calander or something and then some other weather as well? I guess I'll wait and see what you came up with, but the red flags are up on this one.

- Seth

Scurra's picture
Joined: 09/11/2008
Game #5: Everest by FastLearner

sedjtroll wrote:

Scurra wrote:
...the "gadgets" idea has potential for interacting with both the climbers and the sponsors nicely. OTOH it adds more bits to a component-heavy game.

I don't see how it would interact with the Sponsers.

Ir interacts by means of the "categories" that the climbers have. Thus sponsors can interact with the nationality of the climbers and so on, but could also interact with the type of equipment the climbers would have access to, by making their equipment more effective in certain areas.

However, since FL isn't going that way, this is something of a moot point :)

sedjtroll's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008
Game #5: Everest by FastLearner

How's Everest Version 2.0 coming along? For what it's worth, I looked at the rulebook today (it's printed and sitting next to my bed) and noticed something....

You might sell a few copies to people who think they're buying Everquest :)

- Seth

Joined: 12/31/1969
Game #5: Everest by FastLearner

I know my time is running short. I'll have new rules up sometime late tonight or tomorrow, so at least I'll get another day of commentary before my time is up.

Sorry, as noted I've not been feeling well and I've had a ton of other issues to deal with all of a sudden.


Joined: 08/03/2008
Game #5: Everest by FastLearner

Since you brought this game back up in "Settlers vs Ra", I thought I'd revisit the topic over here now that you've begun playtesting.

First, quick question -- what is the font you've used on the board? I see it everywhere, but don't know what it is.

Anyway, on to the game. I'm wondering, now that you've been playing, whether there's an "effective elimination" effect whereby a player in the back never really has a chance to catch up and win. I'm concerned about this for a couple of reasons. The one is that you say the game seems to end with 2 turns after one player has reached the top level. The other is that you originally had a rule that said that whenever any player crossed a level, ALL other players then had to draw tiles from that pile rather than whatever level they were on. This could lead to a runaway leader problem, taken together.

Have you seen that in the game play? Can a player "come from behind"? And from how far back? How early is it determined who's "in the running" and who's out of it?

In a one hour game, it probably doesn't matter much, but even so, if you're basically done for after 20 minutes, and can't really affect the other players any more (because tiles must be placed on your current level, right? -- although, I guess you're still involved in the bidding, if those still exist), then it's still a concern.

Anyway, I'm sure I'm wrong in some of this analysis, misremembering rules and such, but I'd be interested to hear where the project is at and whether a lagging player can come back to win, and whether you even want him to be able to in the first place. (I think "no" is a valid answer -- after all, this is a race, and people should be rewarded for playing it as such! But if there's no chance of winning, the question is all how early this gets locked in.)

Glad to hear you're moving into the playtest stage with this one!


Joined: 12/31/1969
Game #5: Everest by FastLearner

The game has changed quite a lot since this GDW... I completely rewrote the rules and changed the board and many of the concepts, so this thread really isn't a good indication of much. If you want to see the revised game (in its Hippodice entry format) drop me a PM and I'll be happy to point you to it.

People can, indeed, come from behind and do, even in the last few turns. By the next-to-last turn, though, it becomes clear who has a shot and who doesn't, and it results in a bit of a kingmaking problem about 1 in 4 games.

I've run about a dozen or so playtests with the completely revised rules (with a variety of small changes as it went) and I'm pretty much done with the game. That is to say that I don't like it enough to pursue it any further. It was good enough to submit as my Hippodice entry, but I have other designs I love much more and unless I reach some kind of epiphany that changes the game pretty radically then I think I'll just let it rest, possibly forever.

Joined: 12/31/1969
Looked over your Most Recent Version


Thanks for sending me a link to your latest version of Everest. I went ahead and looked it over and have a few comments and suggestions.

Great layout on the rules; it is done very professionally.

As for the rules themselves, I was a little confused on some parts. In the "Setup" section it would have been nice to maybe have another page showing a picture or description of what exactly is a "player piece", "Route" pieces on the board, and an "energy cube". Also a small section in the beginning indicating the various attributes on the climber cards.

I did not understand the statement, "Place the appropriate Glory Point markers on the board number side up, matching the letters on the markers to the letters on the board." Maybe it is because I can't actually see the board with the letters on the squares. Disregard this remark.

You talk about taking, "as many Energy cubes as he has blank Energy spaces on his Climber Cards." Again, it would be helpful to indicate what the energy space is on the card by having a page describing the card in more detail. Also on the diagram for the "Player Area After Setup" you point to "Energy", should you specify energy cube?

With changing the weather, can you keep discarding the current weather and drawing cards? Something of the effect that you can not draw more than two cards or something.

On the player's turn, he has a lot of different choices to do. When I saw this, it seemed like this would be a problem. You do allow multiple actions, but I would be interested in if it bogs down the game during play.

Your game is pretty ingenious. How long does it take to play?

I don't know if you want to add any variations or anything. But what about the weather influencing some of the tiles. For example, in sunny wheather, an ice tile can be replaced or turned over to rock. Maybe you can have a special wheather card for an avalanche, that would cause all climbers above or below a certain tier to fall.

I would try to add a little more randomness to the game.

Besides these niggling things, it appears you have a solid game. Do people really enjoy playing it?

I don't know. My intuition tells me that this game is lacking a spark or something that would entice players to play.


Joined: 12/31/1969
Game #5: Everest by FastLearner

Thanks for your comments, thoughts, and compliments.

Aye, the game is reasonably fun but is, indeed, missing a spark. I'm intentionally letting it sit on the back burner right now, though, where it simmers. An idea to spark it to life may well yet come, but right now I'm focused on other games.

-- Matthew

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