I have a game I would like to submit to the GDW, but first I need to write the manual. No problem; I have notes. The problem is that I use WordPerfect for word-processing, which not many people have. Also, I intend to include pictures in the document which illustrate examples in the text. Adobe Acrobat would be well-suited for this purpose, and I know I can save CorelDraw files as Acrobat files, conveniently getting around having to buy the Acrobat writer. Unfortunately, Coreldraw is finicky with the text when it translates to a different file format. All of the words are oversized and out of place.
I want a nice, clean manual that most people on the BGDF can read, but I don't want to spend a lot of money. Does anyone have a solution?
YES! Which is an excellent solution, thanks! I didn't think you could at first, because the "Save As" box didn't have it as an option. Huh. Well, that works.
I'll give that OpenOffice gizmo a go. The 60+ megabyte download is a bit intimidating, but it's nothing I can't handle.