Hi there! I'm almost done creating my new game, it's an abstract strategy game called Medusa. 2 players alternate placing gems down on a hex board, and there are a few ways to win
1. make a straight line of 6
2. make a circle/hex of 6 gems
3. make a continuous unbroken line of your gems from one of coloured sides to the another one
4. Capture 6 pairs of your opponents gems. Capture occurs when your opponent has two gems in a row, with one of yours on one of the ends. By placing another gem on the other end, you bracket or 'bookend' their two pieces, thereby capturing and removing them.
My question is this: Being the name of Medusa, I wanted to incorporate the idea of turning your pieces opponents to 'stone', preferably when they are captured (but any idea is fine). I'm not sure what that would do, perhaps their pieces are removed and two grey disks are put in its place, and nobody can move there anymore? But that doesn't seem advantageous for the person who did the capturing.
I'm open to any ideas of how to incorporate a turning to stone idea. No idea is too radical, even if it means changing win conditions, or a new way to win or whatever. I would just really like to have this mechanic in the game so that it ties in with the theme a little. Thank you!!
WHoa! Amazing suggestions my friend, I love them! The idea about flipping the tokens to reveal the grey side - I thought about that as well, and how players could play on top of that stone token. I was discouraged because I felt that it would lead to tokens getting stacked until infinity, but your point about capping it after the next token is played makes sense.
The thought about 'pushing' the stone never crossed my mind, that's fantastic. I'd like to think about that further and see where that could lead - would pushing the stone replace your move for putting a new gem on the board? Does a stone still belong to any certain player, or does it become a 'unisex' piece - and if so, would pushing a stone into another stone cause it to be stacked up?
I love the idea of the Medusa token. I'm not sure what would cause it to move, whether it be a players move or an in-game condition... but the idea of it facing a row and causing all gems to become stone would be really cool. Should there be a way of reversing the stone effect, or would that get too confusing?