Hey ya'll.
I'm still developing my co-op minotaur game, where all the players have to navigate out of a labyrinth with an AI Minotaur killing off the pawns one by one.
The Premise: There are 12 pawns on the board, where one out of the 12 is player specific, pick your favourite number kinda thing. The leftover numbers turn into NPC allies that all the players can control.
Players push their luck with 6 dice that allow them to do particular actions, one being move, one being search and another which counts as 1 success towards any objectives.
There is a clock type token on the side of the board (with numbers 1-12 on it) and the hand moves to the next number, every time a particular symbol on the dice is rolled.
At the beginning of the player's turn they flip over a card from a deck that says "SAFE" or "MINOTAUR STRIKES". If its "SAFE" then the player can do their turn as normal. if it says "MINOTAUR STRIKES" then the Minotaur attacks the number Pawn that the clock is currently set to (be it a player or an NPC). The players then have to flip over another card from another deck that shows the difficulty to beat that type of attack (i.e 6 objectives being super difficult, and 1 objective being easy). The player whose turn it is has to try and roll that number or success (or not) to see if that pawn survives - if they don't succeed then that pawn is dead and removed from the game.
The problem I ran into is the fact that if its a player that gets targetted by the Mino, then another player essentially has to try everything they can to save them - but the targeted player has no control over their own death.
I played with a "get out of jail free" kinda system, but it feels kinda cheap, because the 2nd time means immediate death.
The second thing I wanted to try maybe figure out is when the "Minotaur Strikes" comes out, ALL THE PLAYERS get to react in that turn, but then comes the problem of balancing the strength of the Mino cards. For example, 4 players rolling 6 dice is a lot harder to balance than 1 player only being allowed to roll 6 dice in their turn.
I've come on here when I'm in a pickle and absolutely love the suggestions and often helps get the gears moving to solve the issue.
Hopefully, this makes some kind of sense.
Thanks for the suggestions, everyone.
In regards to the clock mechanic - I understand where you're all coming from. I should have clarified a little more. The clock mechanic is just to display that when it reaches a full rotation it just continues to the next number, as opposed to a line of numbers and looping back the beginning again. I've also jumbled all the numbers up so they arn't sequential to stop exactly what you guys were worrying about.
The players place a token on the numbers directly opposite each other and have to make sure there is an even number of spaces between them. E.G A 2 player game would mean 1 player has #1 and the other has #10, 3 players = 1 player on #1, 1 player on #9, and the last on #5 etc.
I'm still in a rut when it comes to thinking about what the players can do when the MINO STRIKES card comes up. Coz all the players will have to work together in that particular moment to try and stop the MINO from killing one of the pawns.
Do you feel that you as a player would feel ripped off if your life was left up to another players dice roll and actions? Or would you feel better if you had a chance to roll as well? Or would you find it better to just not leave it up to dice rolls at all?