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Slotting dice for combat/action resolution

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larienna's picture
Joined: 07/28/2008

It's just an idea that came to my mind either for combat resolution or simply action resolution. I was wondering if there was some games out there that used such mechanism. The closer I could find is Elder Sign.

You roll a certain number of dice of various colors. Then for example, on a card you could have a slot for a red 3+ die. If you put a red 3+ dice in that slot, you gain the matching ability.

I was thinking of using this for combat, but it could be standardised for any action. Combat becomming an action like another.

Jay103's picture
Joined: 01/23/2018
I have a design-in-progress

I have a design-in-progress where I use something like that as a form of mana in a M:tG sort of game (i.e. needed to play cards from your hand, or sometimes activate an ability), but I'm not familiar with anything quite like what you're describing out there.

larienna's picture
Joined: 07/28/2008
Hmm! interesting. Working on

Hmm! interesting. Working on a similar themed game for that mechanic.

On BGG, somebody suggested the following game:

Steampunk Rally
Set a Watch

pelle's picture
Joined: 08/11/2008
One Deck Dungeon is built

One Deck Dungeon is built around that mechanic (if I understood correctly).

You roll a pile of dice, depending on your stats. Then you allocate the dice to various colored boxes on the encounter card to avoid bad effects. Or you use them to trigger your own skills or items. Boxes are either one die in a specific color with a minimum value, or they are a bigger box with some large value in you can put multiple dice in and the sum must be big enough.

larienna's picture
Joined: 07/28/2008
Yes, one deck dungeon was

Yes, one deck dungeon was another good suggestion. Since it's a solo game, it's an avoid threat system. Mine is a 2 player face off game, so it's more a comparison system.

jay103: You game me the idea that I could simply make player roll gold and mana dice and assign them as resources on the various cards. Not sure of those dices would be rolled before each action, or if they must be split between actions.

Not sure if slotting the die of a certain value would give another resources. For example, slot a 3+ die to gain a military power. Or if the value of the die slotted matter. So slotting a 3 or a 6 on a 3+ slot will have different impact.

The "Problem" is that I want a lot of variety with little text abilities (I suck at designing text abilities). Since I don't think my possibility space is that huge because I want to keep the game compact. Being able to have multiple variations of the same thing could be a way to make them unique.

- I can vary the required die value
- I can vary the reward after slotting
- I can vary the number of dice to slot

- I can have abilities that manipulate die value (dice mutators)
- I could give gold/mana resources usable for multiple purpose, or give specific bonus to military or education, that can be used only for a single purpose. So random and flexible VS deterministic and inflexible.

I am glad I rechecked one deck dungeon, it gives me more ideas on how to reuse cards.

The only drawback is that I need to add dice to the design. Wanted to keep the game small with maybe only cards. I'll have to see if I need that many dices in the first place.

Tim Edwards
Joined: 07/30/2015
Could you use cards instead

Could you use cards instead of dice?

I was sure I was going to use a similar system in my game - but with cards - where each strike technique card could yield a variety of different outcomes depending on which "mana" (in essence) cards were used to support it.

I think it's a mechanic with loads of potential. I've only set it aside it because it has turned out (unexpectedly) that the heart of my particular game lies elsewhere and the variety of outcomes became an unecessary complication.

For a different game feel/ theme, I reckon it could be great.

larienna's picture
Joined: 07/28/2008
Yes, In fact I might use

Yes, In fact I might use both.

In order to increase possibility space I found 2 solution:

- Increase the amount of usages for a cards.
- Increase the amount of TYPE of components.

Since the game must remain small, I might add a large variety of components but in very small quantity.

So the solution could be that each card has a gold or mana value and that you roll only 1 gold and 1 mana die. When it's time to use a die to perform an action, either you use your die value, or either you use a card in hand. Which could lower your hand size, forcing you eventually to use the die you rolled to keep cards in hands.

In that case, there would not be any slotting anymore, but card would cycle much more in your hand. And that might be a good thing for small games: reuse what you have intensively.

So I might get back to san juan style abilities. Also seeking inspiration in "glory to rome" and "impulse" for the card reuse part.

Tim Edwards
Joined: 07/30/2015
Are you in a position to

Are you in a position to share what theme you're going with?

Really, I'm wondering on the scale of the combat. Or to put it another way, are we throwing punches, or are we launching fleets of battle cruisers?

I ask because (aside from curiosity and interest), it might help with thinking of a card reuse system.

larienna's picture
Joined: 07/28/2008
Master of magic is the theme

Master of magic is the theme (civilization with magick)

But in this case, to keep the scale more simple, each player (2) hold a single city with it's surroundings.

Want a semi abstract game that has some variety with little components. Lot of inspiration from Microcosm and impulse mechanic wise.

Tim Edwards
Joined: 07/30/2015
Cool. You might find 'Through

Cool. You might find 'Through The Ages' worth looking at too if you haven't already.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Maybe check out...

Euphoria by Stonemaier Games... The dice are your "Workers". Here's a LINK to the KS page where you can look at the Video which shows you more about the use of dice as workers:

Cheers Eric!

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