this game is interesting way of using a chessboard, its not a chess variant, the rules are on the png.
the chits have dice in the middle , each turn the phasing player rolls a die , if it matches any chit on the board you can rotate it.
each chit has swords and shields on different edges , if a sword comes into contact with an enemy chit without a shield the chit is won.
the object is to capture the royals
Rule clarifications
The Game is Setup like Chess top and bottom two rows. The Crown pieces are the objective chits to capture.The Chits have 4 sides with either Sword Shield or Nothing, 1) if a Sword Edge Makes Contact with a Shild Nothing happens, play passes to the other side. 2) If a Sword Edge contact an Enemy Chit's Sword or Empty Edge , then the enemy piece is captured. 3) if a Shield contacts an enemy Shield , then both Chits rotate 90 Degrees. 4) you May Pass 5) movement is one square in any direction. 6) only north south east & west Edge's are resolved, and they are resolved in a clockwise directio , so more than one edge can capture.The strategy is quite complex, each piece has 4 differrent values and can do 4 things at the same time.
I found without dice, one player could block the board with shields.