TBH both starting with A is just a coincidence, as i am designing the gods and saving them to folder its putting them into alphabetic folder order.
but there will be 4 starting gods, and the other gods all have different beginning names.
Well i picked Alias for a reason, im including snippets of lore with each god, and this god in particular likes to enter the mortal world pretending to be a human and manipulating others into causing chaos. Hence the name Alias.
This is an entirely fictitious world so their is no mythology etc from our world within it, ive created it all from scratch, as i am an amateur writer anyway so i thought it would be fun to do. Of course their will be things that have similarities to other things from our world of course.
i think 26 gods is a little steep at least at the moment, i have about 15 in the pipework at the moment, i feel that is more than enough work for now.
And those 15 gods are very unique and have their own playstyles.
theirs about 50/50 mix of male to female gods, i dont have the art done yet but the world they exist in is not unlike our own so yes you will get mixed racial units and gods etc.
blueyes1010 wrote:
On the other hand another god known as Behematus the colossal one, who is a god of beasts and primal rage, his uniques give more access to colossal creatures that will just stomp your enemy.
Try to avoid Play Styles similar to Magic. Green is Big Creatures (in this particular case). Just a suggestion.
im aware you have similar in magic, but fear not mine does not work in the same way, also that god has many tactics and playstyles, beasts is just one option for them, but they also have primal rage abilities, swarms of smaller creatures etc. also in this deck if you use beasts they are only uniques, theyre far stronger than the ones in magic but will cost you an arm and a leg.
I had similar design hurdles for making it so that you can actually get your uniques out, at first i thought of dropping theyre costs, but these cards are designed to be ultimates essentially so it didnt feel right as id have to nerf them a bit. In the end i settled on two additional but simple rules in the game. The first is on your turn as an action you can sell cards from your hand to make more money, this is a balancing act as obviously you dont want to make your hand too small. The second rule is for unit cards, whenever they are deployed they are automatically bowed, like some other games do, however you may pay an additional cost, 1 for commons 3 for uniques to put them in play unbowed. These two rules combined have balanced out the power of unique cards.