Hello everyone
i have been gradually developing a game albeit more as a hobby truthfully over the least year or so. The original version seemed too complex so i boiled it down and made a few changes to simplify it without taking any fun away. it would be interesting to hear peoples thoughts on it.
The deck drafting aspect of this game was actually inspired but hero shooters like overwatch etc as depending on which god you pick, and ive made a bunch, will depend on the kind of mechanics that will be made available to your deck.
your god like those games will give you a passive, 2 standard abilities and an ultimate ability to play throughout the game if you can afford them.
They also bring 6 completely unique cards that only they can use, which generally compliment the mechanics of their abilities.
as for the other 34 cards in your deck, the choice is completely yours what you put in it.
i dont want to make massive paragraphs of information as that would bore people so ill do it in snippets of information
right where to begin, i guess the board state
so your board or play area if you will, is going to consist of your draw pile and 3, 5 card capacity zones.
an attack zone and a defence zone at the forefront, followed by a support zone further back next to your draw pile
using these zones appropriately is crucial as you are going to have certain units better in certain zones than others.
for example the support zone is better for keeping units who have strong abilities you want to utilise rather than fight with, as units in this zone cant be targeted during a battle unless you choose to defend with them.
fairly promising playtesting so far has shown these zones to be pretty effective