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Who here plays MMORPG's?

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Arvin's picture
Joined: 05/29/2009

I'm currently creating a strategic game "Astroempires", but it's name is based on an existing MMORPG.
that into a boardgame. What do I have to consider?...

Joined: 07/08/2009
Well . . .

are you just basing the name on it, or do you play the rpg game and want to reproduce features of it?

Arvin's picture
Joined: 05/29/2009
I play it...

I'm a player of the game, that's why I would like to make it into a boardgame... simplify the rules but get the whole sense of the game.

Joined: 07/08/2009
I have . . .

never played that game before, but it looks pretty generic, right?

You might want to let it inspire you, but divorce yourself from the property itself. I doubt there is very much there that's unique, so you could save yourself some legal hassle should your project ever amount to anything. Also, it might help you entertain ideas that don't come from the game.

So, how do you imagine your game working at some very broad levels: Do players command one ship, or many? Is the combat more strategic or tactical? Is combat the main focus, or is it secondary?


BHFuturist's picture
Joined: 11/01/2008
Also look at other game formats

I think I understand the type of game you are trying to make. I think looking at might help give you more ideas as it is like the game you posted a link to.

Pulling off a "board game" version of this type of game with the same kind of ongoing world might be kind of a challenge... but you might try and make it the game more like a pen and paper RPG where your empire is the character with stats sheets rather than a single individual character... this would make it easier have an ever expanding empire over several play sessions... I have given an offline version of this type of game some thought but don't have time to develop it... I wish you well in your attempt.

I also agree that this game could be made generic and avoid issues with the owners of the game you posted. there is not anything in the game you posted that looks like a unique to them sort of idea as it is already a fairly generic Sci-Fi game.

Just my two cents :-)


InvisibleJon's picture
Joined: 07/27/2008

Arvin wrote:
I'm currently creating a strategic game "Astroempires", but its name is based on an existing MMORPG. that into a boardgame. What do I have to consider?...
The first things I'd consider all focus on protecting your work:

1) Are you doing this for yourself and your friends, or to release to the public?
2) If you're releasing it to the public, do you want to release it commercially or give it away for free?
3) If you want to release it to the public, is the owner of the IP (intellectual property) litigious?
4) If you're releasing it to the public, do you want to "publish" it yourself, or get someone else to publish it?
5) If you want someone else to publish it, do you want to try to sell your game to the IP owners?
6) If you want to publish it yourself, are you ready to negotiate with the IP owners for the rights to license their IP?

...then there's an entire slew of game-related questions (physical construction and mechanical translation). Let's just talk about (1).

If you're just doing this for yourself and your friends, you're pretty safe. You can pretty much do what you want to. If you're looking to release this publicly, there are a lot of new issues to address (as you can see since every following issue stems from that). That's why previous posters are encouraging you to make the game generic.

Long story made short? If you're not going to share it on the internet, do what you like. If you're going to share it on the internet, assess how likely it is that the IP holders will slap you with a cease and desist.

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