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Board size??

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Joined: 01/22/2013

Hi all,

I was wondering if a 24x36 game board is too big? I am currently working on a fishing tournament game where players will have to explore a different areas of a lake.

Thanks for your help.

Dralius's picture
Joined: 07/26/2008
Size Matters

First off a big board will cost more to produce so that must be considered. Then there is the box size which is dictated by the board and how small it folds. If you can do it on a 20x20 I would do that. It’s a common size so blanks and box dies are already available for it.

Tell me about your game. I did a family style fishing tournament game a few years back as a promotional item for a fishing pole company. They backed out when they found out how much it would cost to produce.

Joined: 01/22/2013
Tell me about your game

The board is essentially of 3 lakes connected to each other. Each lake would have 3 different ares that could be fished. players will have a live well that can only hold a maximum of 4 fish. The game will last 3 days with one day consisting of x number of turns (I was thinking 6 turns per day). Before each day starts players will be able to purchase equipment (i.e. boat upgrade - allows boats to move more spaces, lure - adds +1 to a dice roll and can be reused, bait)

On a players turn they will get 4 actions - they can move x number of spaces depending on the speed of their boat, they can cast by rolling a die, or they can sell a fish if near a dock. A 6 means you land a fish and draw a card depending on where you are. (card is kept face down so no one sees) 1 means you snapped your line and 2 is a lost fish. 3,4,5 keep rolling.

The only fish counted are largemouth and smallmouth bass. catfish can be sold at a dock to earn income to purchase more bait or equipment the next day. There are also a few sunfish in the deck that are just there to eat your bait. after the day everyone reveals their card to find out who the leader is. caught bass are released back into the water (cards are shuffled and laid out minus the caught catfish) and day 2 begins.

The winner is the player with the most accumulated weight after 3 days.

Joined: 01/22/2013
Size Matters

Btw we were able to get the size down to 16x24 with a bunch of adjustments. not really worried about production printing. Not looking to get anything published. This is my first ever attempt to make a game because the idea popped in my head. If i can get something that my daughters like to play I'm good with that.

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