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Buying Blank 20" x 20" quad fold game boards?

5 replies [Last post]
Joined: 08/14/2008

Anybody know where to buy 200 - 300 blank 20" x 20" quad fold or 7.5" x 7.5" bi-fold game boards?
I have a customer that needs them for a short run of a board game.

Joined: 07/27/2008
GamesOnTheBrain's picture
Joined: 07/24/2008

sycross wrote: for 20" by 20" for 18" by 18"

BareBooks is MUCH cheaper than the other site.

MatthewF's picture
Joined: 07/22/2008
Yeah, that price difference

Yeah, that price difference is stunning. Frankly, the BoardGameDesign price ($14.95) is a complete rip-off, even if its board is of significantly higher quality (which might not be the case at all). Fifteen bucks for a blank board? Good lord.

Joined: 01/09/2009
price difference

MatthewF wrote:
Yeah, that price difference is stunning. Frankly, the BoardGameDesign price ($14.95) is a complete rip-off, even if its board is of significantly higher quality (which might not be the case at all). Fifteen bucks for a blank board? Good lord.

So let's see. They take 75pt chip board, cut it 3 ways, hinge it 3 ways, put a blank glossy front on it, that also has to be cut, put a backing on it, that has to be cut, and trim it.

No matter what you put on the front, nothing as in blank or print something, the extensive hand labor construction is still there.

So how much would you charge to make one?? How about 6?? or a dozen??


truekid games
truekid games's picture
Joined: 10/29/2008
almost everything on that

almost everything on that site is overpriced, not just the boards. and if you gave me the materials cut to size beforehand... 10 minutes? to make it look nice.

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