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Critical Collapse

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benshelmars's picture
Joined: 10/03/2008

Well, I have been going through my own Critical Collapse with my life right now, hopefully to pull out of it soon....

The current version of Critical Collapse is 2.25 utilizing the Vassal game engine to be playable as a board game online. it is incomplete but most of the mechanics are in place.

I am still looking for a team in the free exchange of ideas and development, from everything from art work to game mechanics and playability to dedicated forum. I know this is not the forum for such a project because of the genre of Critical Collapse it is by design more a long strategy/political/economic semi-simulation game, however there is probably no other forum on the web that is more dedicated to board games than BGDF.

Again here is a link to where the files can be downloaded

hoywolf's picture
Joined: 01/27/2009
I'll take a look

I'll take a long at your game, I love reading game manuals, I know about a lot of game and have never played them, because I like the study game mechanics, so I can help you out in that department. =)

benshelmars's picture
Joined: 10/03/2008

Glad to have you aboard, I look forward to your insights.

Joined: 01/21/2009
I'll check it out

At some point, anyway. I've liked the work that you've done on it so far, so I'm curious. I'll take a look at it when I get home.

benshelmars's picture
Joined: 10/03/2008

Great, i am looking forward to working with others.

Joined: 01/21/2009
This looks challenging

I'll see about playing a round with my geek gamer friends. The end of the world is very much our flavor. It's a pretty dark crowd.

benshelmars's picture
Joined: 10/03/2008
That sounds great

That sounds great brisingre.
I would also like to get a list started of those involved, a team roster if you know what I mean, not to pigeon hole any one but just to form some kind of organization, sort of like an indie company, but open ended.

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