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Cup 'N' BowL Game Update.

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Super-Tooned's picture
Joined: 07/10/2017

My team and I have created a brand new board for Cup 'N' BowL! We call it Airway 21. It's complicated but fun!


Joined: 04/08/2012
Looks like fun

I like this idea. Can you tell us how its complicated and the main objective to your game is about?


Super-Tooned's picture
Joined: 07/10/2017
Airway 21

Stormyknight1976 wrote:
I like this idea. Can you tell us how its complicated and the main objective to your game is about?


The Airway 21 board is complicated because of how little space you have to bowl. There are only three pins to land on: a four, a seven, and a ten. All of those numbers add up to 21 and that's the main objective of the game, to get exactly 21 points.

I apologize for the confusion. If you have anymore questions/comments feel free to ask.


Super-Tooned's picture
Joined: 07/10/2017
Brand New Update:

For our brand new update, my team and I have created yet another board/lane to bowl on for Cup 'N' Bowl. It's made up of four different parts. We can't wait to playtest it!

Our other update is that we have created another mini-game that uses cups. We do not have a name for it yet but it is a team death match type game where players fight over spaces to gain points. It is still a prototype but it's fun and competitive.

That is all for our updates today,

See ya!


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