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How many coins?

4 replies [Last post]
Joined: 08/10/2008

I am working on a push-your-luck dice game with a pirate theme. The game is scored in increments of 50 up to 5,000. I have three sizes of coin, and decided on denominations of 50, 250 and 1,000.

For a game that scales from two to six players, how many of each denomination coin should I include?

Joined: 07/24/2008
It is hard to tell with what

It is hard to tell with what you have posted. Playtesting will identify if you have too few.

Joined: 07/27/2008
If there is ...

TLEberle wrote:
I am working on a push-your-luck dice game with a pirate theme. The game is scored in increments of 50 up to 5,000. I have three sizes of coin, and decided on denominations of 50, 250 and 1,000.

For a game that scales from two to six players, how many of each denomination coin should I include?

If there is a direct relation between scoring and coins (1 to 1) then:

5,000 = max money per player.
Minimum coin distribution: 4x1000 + 3x250 + 5x50

So, for 6 players:

24x1000 + 18x250 + 30x50

But I would use a few more coins to avoid constant exchanging (6 more per coin type).

I hope this is what you need.


Willi B
Joined: 07/28/2008
Personal preference....

Make your math easy. Unless there is a thematic reason, just simplify it to the lowest rate (1,5, 20). That is, unless it is Pokemon and bigger is better!

ReneWiersma's picture
Joined: 08/08/2008
coco wrote:24x1000 + 18x250 +

coco wrote:
24x1000 + 18x250 + 30x50

But I would use a few more coins to avoid constant exchanging (6 more per coin type).

Yeah, and you would probably want a few more of the low denominantions than of the higher denominations.

I suggest:
30x1000 (with six players everyone could have five of each of these)

If that's too much coins, you might want to introduce a 5000 coin and you could go with something like this:


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