I'm sharing this because these people do work that's incredible. They deserve a wider audience. However, they're in Brazil, so it's hard for them to get exposure in the USA and Europe. I'm doing my part to help them break through that international barrier.
A while ago, I was approached by a fan from Brazil. He said he recently discovered Cthul-B-Que (http://www.invisible-city.com/play/42/cthulbeque) and wanted to do new art and layout for it. Long story made short: Unlike other fans requests like this I've received, this fan, and his team of Brazilian ninja artists, followed through promptly with great art and layout.
Please take a few minutes and check it out: http://www.loodo.com.br/2009/10/cthulinaria-jogo/ and http://www.loodo.com.br/jogos/cthulinaria/manual_Cthulinaria.zip
They work in Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign. They're communicative, responsive, and enthusiastic. They're very good collaborators. If you're looking for a team to do art and/or card or rules layout, the Loodo folks are top-notch.
Thank you,
Jonathan L.
1 - The rulebook looks fantastic. I KNOW how difficult it is to take the bare bones of rules as just text and go through the ass-kicking process to make it look like something people would pay money for. What I want to know is this - what did the rules look like when you sent them to these guys?
The site is in Portuguese. Google Translate provides a decent translation of their site.
They are Brazilian game fans. They're simply running a site for Brazilians who like games.
They really like the modern wave of games and are very interested in collaborating to produce fantastic games for the commercial market. Contact them with their contact form: http://www.loodo.com.br/contato/ and let them know you'd like to work with them. Regarding prices, just talk to them. It never hurts to ask.