Hi all!
I'm working on a cardgame. One of the cards is called "Monopoly". I was thinking of using the monopoly-man as an illustration - you know the fat man with a mustache and a top hat.
How do I know if it is copyrighted? I have seen that particular monopoly-man in other settings such as on webpages etc. Monopoly is a very old game and I was thinking that maybe they did not copyright everything back then... Anyone who knows?
Monopoly Man copyright?
Pretty sure the artwork for Mr. Monopoly is copyrighted (at the very least).
Forbes has a brief bio of the character (http://www.forbes.com/pictures/mlg45jffl/10-mr-monopoly/).
If you use this character the odds are you would get sued... The character is so *recognizable* you would have a hard time trying to explain that you had no prior knowledge of the existence of the character prior to your use...
Maybe if you have some graphic artist create something *similar* but put a monocle (like the Mr. Planter's Peanut)... Then it might be hard to argue it is the *SAME* (as in IDENTICAL) character... Either way what you need to do is make a noticeable change to the character (like adding a monocle).
Read this article:
Well, that happened more than 10 years ago but you can see that Hasbro is not kidding around.
At one point they quote a letter from the law firm:
I'd say that's not worth it. You better go ahaed and find another image for the card or better change the title because Monopoly itself is protected.
If you're using it for satirical purposes sometimes you're okay...but in this case I'm pretty sure you'd be in hot water (using it non-satirically to sell a product in the same media). You're also using it in direct conjunction with the word "Monopoly" specifically because it is a recognizable trademark of the Parker Brothers game. Is it really worth even the POSSIBILITY of trouble for a throwaway gag on one card? Does it even fit with the art style or theme of your game?
If you want a representation of 'a monopoly' just show a generic character in your style clutching/sitting on a bunch of one resource. Or you could go the Catan route and make your monopoly card show a entrepreneur selling fruit: apparently if your art has nothing to do with what it is representing you have a best seller :P
Just for fun I googled "greedy free art" and found this:
I like it and it is royalty free. I guess similar searches on google and clip art pages might help you.
Ok, sounds dangerous to use THE monopoly guy. The game is about vulture capitalism and one card symbolizes when you have gotten a monopoly in one market. The other pictures are cartoony and cynical... I have to come up with another idea!
Thanks for your warning guys!!